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The sound of Mia playing music filled the room, and the rhythm of "Vamos a Busal" resonated through the air. I watched as Mia and Leah got up and started dancing, swaying to the beat with playful gestures. Though I couldn't help but roll my eyes at their antics, Leah tried to lure me into joining them, reminding me that I used to love the song. However, I opted to sit with Naomi, seeking refuge from their lively performance.

Curiosity got the better of Naomi, and she inquired about the song's meaning, to which I replied with a groan, "You don't even want to know." But the dance moves escalated, and I had to intervene, putting an end to Mia's twerking display.

Annoyed by my interference, Mia expressed her frustration, crossing her arms and declaring, "PUEDO BAILAR COMO QUIERO". Despite the tension, Naomi's presence calmed the atmosphere, and she showed appreciation for my Spanish speaking skills, which brought a smile to my face.

As Leah expressed her desire to help my mom cook, I reassured her and went downstairs to seek my mom's approval. After receiving her blessing, I returned to my room, where Naomi awaited with a smile. Playfully, she urged me to speak Spanish to her, and when she asked me to teach her to say "I love my boyfriend," I couldn't resist.

Gently, I taught her to say "amo a mi novio," watching her repeat the words with a smile, her face inches from mine. Our affectionate moment was interrupted by playful banter, and I teased her about being a good listener, eliciting a sweet peck on the lips.

In the midst of a mountain of work that threatened to engulf me, she appeared like a breath of fresh air, full of confidence and playfulness. "Excuse me, I'm the one with A's here. You're the one who needs to finish those piles of work," she chimed, her finger pointing mischievously at the overwhelming papers scattered across my desk.

"Hmm, but I don't want to," I groaned, my initial protest tinged with a hint of amusement at her bold assertion.

Never one to back down from a challenge, she flashed a cunning smile, making an intriguing proposition. "If you do all these papers of work, I pledge not to make you watch that, ahem, 'shitty' show you don't like," she playfully emphasized the word, her eyes sparkling with mischief.

Her proposal was too tempting to ignore, and I couldn't help but smirk in response. With a glimmer of determination, I picked up a paper from the heap, signaling my acceptance of the challenge. Slowly, I made my way to the cozy sanctuary of my bed, where I settled in with my laptop, ready to confront the daunting task at hand.

As if driven by a sudden sense of purpose, she revealed her plans to lend a hand to Leah and my mom, a reminder of her kindness and willingness to assist others. "Leah asked me to help," she revealed with a contented smile, her eyes briefly darting to her phone.

"No, don't leave me," I protested, hoping to hold onto her company and support during this arduous endeavor.

With an air of understanding, she countered, "You work better alone," her smile reassuringly suggesting that solitude was the key to unlocking my full potential.

In a half-hearted attempt to argue, I groaned once more, insisting, "No, I don't."

Unyielding in her conviction, she spoke with a candid honesty that caught me off guard, "You do, I've seen it." her laughter filling the room as she playfully nudged me to recognize my true capabilities.

The weight of her words sank in, and I leaned back on my bed, running my hands through my hair, grappling with a mix of frustration and appreciation for her unwavering belief in me.

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