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Under the dim, flickering lights of my childhood home, I found myself at a crossroads. The temptation to stay with Naomi was undeniable, but the presence of my dad's friends, lounging in the smoky kitchen, made it impossible. As I descended the stairs, shirtless, a haze of unease settled over me.

"Hey Kaden, where's your pretty little girlfriend?" one of the guys jeered, and I clenched my fists.

"She isn't my girlfriend," I replied firmly, trying to control my anger.

Curiosity got the better of the other guy, and he asked, "Where does she live? I'd bang her."

Enraged, I grabbed his shirt, my heart pounding in my chest. "Touch her, and I'll shoot you," I warned with deadly seriousness.

Their vile response sent shivers down my spine. "Oh, you think we want her? Well, we do. But first, we're all going to rape her pretty little innocent virgin body and then kill her," one of them whispered darkly, while the other smirked about sending a horrifying video of their wicked deed.

"She's not a virgin!" I snapped back, my fury boiling over.

The room erupted with laughter at my defiance. "Oh, you finally grew some balls," another guy taunted.

"I lost them years ago," I retorted with a smirk, trying to maintain some semblance of composure.

My father intervened, pushing me out of the kitchen. I couldn't contain myself any longer. "What the fuck are you doing?" I exploded, demanding answers.

"When were you going to tell me that you were planning on raping my fucking girlfriend?" I shouted, my voice shaking with anger.

He replied, his anger matching mine, "Well, they will rape her if you don't do that fucking job for them."

"I'm not doing it! I'm done with this. I'm done doing your job for you!" I declared, pushing him away and storming back into the kitchen.

The short, fat guy stood up, and that's when I reached for the gun concealed in my waistband. I aimed it at his head, my hand trembling with the weight of the moment.

"Shoot me," he taunted, "and these two will find her fucking address and make sure you never find her. She'll be a baby-making machine."

With a heavy heart, I lowered the gun and pocketed it, grabbing my keys in determination. "Fuck you," I muttered before making a run for the car and escaping the suffocating grip of my past.


As I urgently knocked on Naomi's door, she opened it, her silk robe adding an air of mystique to the encounter. I couldn't resist kissing her as I stepped inside and closed the door behind me.

"Kaden, what's going on?" she whispered, concern etched on her face. I didn't waste any time explaining, instead heading straight to her room.

In her walk-in closet, I found a sports bag and began stuffing it with her belongings. Naomi tried to question my actions, but I brushed her off, my focus on getting everything we needed.

"Kaden, what are you doing?" she asked, still puzzled. Ignoring her, I grabbed a few shirts from her drawer, and as I came across lacy underwear, I hesitated for a moment before adding them to the bag. Naomi watched silently as I swiftly packed.

I handed her a charger and urged her to come with me. The urgency in my voice made her comply, and we hurriedly threw the bag into the car. As we drove away, I noticed her still clad in her underwear and bra, covered by the silk robe.

"There's a hoodie in the backseat," I told her, my eyes fixed on the road. She quickly found the hoodie and put it on, trying to comprehend the situation.

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