61 + sequel

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The night had passed without rest, the haunting image of Naomi kissing that guy playing on an endless loop in my mind. Wearily, I got dressed and made my way downstairs. As Leah and Mia stood ready for school, Mia asked me to drive her there, to which I agreed with a heavy sigh.

As we drove to school, I couldn't help but watch Naomi as she got out of her car. Deep down, I knew what had to be done. We had been stuck in an unhealthy pattern, a cycle of betrayal and hurt, and it was time to break free.

The truth was, we were both too immature for a relationship right now. I had to face the reality that we were holding each other back, bound by our shared mistakes. The endless cycle of cheating was a reflection of our own insecurities and immaturity.

I loved Naomi with all my heart, and I knew that my feelings for her would never fade away. But it was evident that she wanted to move on, and I needed to be strong enough to let her go.

Summoning courage, I approached her, and despite her smile, my heart felt heavy with the impending words I had to say. "Hey," she greeted me warmly, unaware of what was about to transpire.

"I know what happened last night, Naomi... We need to break up," I spoke gently but firmly, forcing myself to avoid her gaze.

My words were met with a mix of surprise and sadness. I wanted her to find happiness, to move on, to be free from the weight of my mistakes. My attempt at a lighthearted smile was a facade to mask the pain I felt inside.

In the conversation that followed, I didn't blame her for her actions; I knew I deserved what I got. Instead, I urged her to find someone who would cherish her and support her dreams. I had to emphasize that she deserved better than the cycle of heartache that we had found ourselves trapped in.

As we parted ways, the farewell lingered heavily in the air. I cupped her cheeks gently, confessing that I still loved her, but I knew I had to let her go. It was a bittersweet moment, a realization that my love for her meant allowing her to pursue her own path, free from the burden of my past mistakes.

As she walked away from me, I grappled with the conflicting emotions inside me. The truth was, I hated that I couldn't keep her for myself, that I had contributed to messing up what we once had. My love for her remained a constant ache, a yearning to be by her side, but I had to set her free.

It was an act of love, albeit a painful one, to release her from the grip of my own shortcomings. I had to let her find her way, to grow and flourish, even if it meant living without me. Because ultimately, I loved her enough to prioritize her happiness over my own desires..

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