35. 1111

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a chapter


Kaden and I arrived at the party, dressed to the nines. I wore a gold silk dress, and he looked dashing in his tuxedo. The formal theme had us going all out for the night.

"I'll be back. I'm getting us some drinks," Kaden said with a smile before walking away into the lively crowd. The music was blasting, and people were dancing, some probably already tipsy. I took the red cup Kaden handed me and drank from it, ready to let loose and forget about school for a few days.

Amidst the crowd, Jamie approached me with a smile. "Hey, Smith," he greeted me.

"Hey, Jamie," I smiled back, glancing around to spot Kaden. I pointed in his direction as he walked back with two cups of drinks.

"Hey, um, can we talk about last year?" the blonde girl said to Kaden, causing a pang of jealousy within me. But I shrugged it off; it was Kaden, after all. Every girl wanted him, and I couldn't blame them.

"Uhh," he looked at me, and I nodded, giving him permission to talk to her privately. I didn't want to come off as the jealous type.

"Sure, I'll be back in a minute," he whispered to me, and I kissed him briefly to make it clear to the girl that he was taken.

Minutes passed, and I saw Jamie running up to a brunette girl named Hayley. The party went on for a few hours, and Kaden was now with Jamie outside smoking while I enjoyed myself inside.

Feeling quite drunk and unable to walk properly, I made my way to the bar and poured myself another drink. As I turned around, I bumped into a familiar figure.

"Sorry," I mumbled and looked up to find Adam.

"Hey, Smith, haven't seen you for a while," he smiled.

"Me either. How are you?" I replied with a smile.

"I'm great. How about we talk upstairs? I'm not really a party person," he suggested.

"Sure, it is loud down here," I agreed, and we went upstairs. The room was quieter, which felt like a relief from the noisy party downstairs. I took another sip of my drink and felt my head getting lighter.

"Sorry, I'm really drunk," I smiled, feeling slightly embarrassed.

"It's okay," he smiled back, sitting next to me on the bed. We chatted about school and other things, and I felt him move a piece of hair off my face.

"Sorry, you're just so beautiful," he whispered, and before I knew it, he leaned in and kissed me. I was frozen, unable to respond, but then he pushed me onto the bed, and I managed to push him off.

Panicking, I rushed to the door, but it was locked. My vision was blurred by tears, and I couldn't unlock it. I felt his hands on my waist.

"I couldn't have you before, but I can now," he whispered, and I struggled, but he pinned my hands above my head. He ignored my pleas and forced himself on me, causing me immense pain and distress.

Once he left, I curled into a ball on the bed, my vision still blurry from tears. Suddenly, I felt a pair of hands on my waist, and Ashley, the girl who was talking to Kaden earlier, comforted me.

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