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As I walked out of the bathroom with Jamie, I couldn't help but feel a mix of nerves and excitement. I knew I had to act normal, but my heart was pounding in my chest.

"Kaden, where the fuck have you be-" she began, but before she could finish, I leaned in and kissed her passionately, hoping to distract her from any questions she might have.

She kissed me back, and in that moment, the world around us seemed to disappear. We found ourselves in an empty classroom, where I continued to kiss her neck slowly. Just as I was getting lost in the moment, she shined a light in my eye, causing me to instinctively close them.

"Are you doing drugs?" Naomi whispered, concern evident in her voice.

I couldn't help but chuckle at her accusation. "No, are you?" I whispered back, trying to lighten the mood.

She ran her thumb over my cheek, and I couldn't help but smile. Her touch was comforting, and I found myself resting my head on her shoulder.

"We need to get you home quickly," she whispered, taking charge and helping me up. I followed her lead, my mind still a little hazy from whatever had happened earlier.

As she drove me home, I felt myself dozing off. The next thing I knew, she was gently tapping me, and I snapped awake in shock.

"What?" I whined, feeling a bit disoriented as I got out of the car. In that moment, I couldn't help but appreciate Naomi's caring nature and how she looked after me.

As I regained consciousness, my surroundings shifted, and suddenly, I found myself in the familiarity of my bathroom. Disoriented, I noticed I was only in boxers, and she, standing before me, held the shower head with a tender smile gracing her lips.

"You're overheating, Kaden," she said soothingly, her delicate hands caressing my cheek. "I read that this will help you calm down."

Her touch sent a shiver down my spine, and I felt a daze cloud my vision once more. The cold water cascaded over my skin, causing me to gasp at its icy embrace. Hastily, I exited the shower, shedding the last vestige of clothing and wrapping a towel around my waist.

Panting, I trudged into my room and collapsed onto the bed, trying to collect my scattered thoughts in the wake of this bewildering encounter.


As I stood outside, my mind raced with disbelief over Kaden's drug use. Why would he do this to himself? My heart sank, and I knew I had to find Bella immediately. Hurriedly, I made my way to Kaden's car and drove to the nursery. There, I found a sea of children eagerly waiting for their parents.

Approaching Bella, a stern-looking lady questioned my presence, demanding to know who I was. "I'm a friend of Amanda's, here to pick her up," I replied nervously as Bella hugged me. But the woman wasn't convinced and insisted on confirmation.

Without a moment's hesitation, I FaceTimed Kaden, only to find him in a rather compromising position. I quickly asked him to cover up, feeling both annoyed and embarrassed. The teacher on the call needed assurance that I was indeed a friend, and after hearing Kaden's confirmation, she reluctantly allowed me to take Bella home.

As we drove back, Bella inquired about her brother. "He's at home waiting for us," I assured her, managing a smile despite my concerns. To my surprise, she revealed that Kaden had expressed his love for me, prompting a warm feeling in my heart.

Finally arriving at Amanda's house, I found her sipping wine. Her appreciation for my efforts brought a smile to my face, even though the weight of Kaden's actions still lingered in my mind.

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