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In the dimly lit hospital room, I sat by Naomi's side, my heart weighed down by the recent surgery. The baby was out, and she would soon awaken from the anesthesia. But all I could think of was our unborn son, the tragedy that unfolded during the operation haunting my every waking moment.

Exhaustion gnawed at me; I hadn't known a peaceful night's sleep in days. The image of my hands stained with my son's blood haunted me whenever I closed my eyes. The room seemed to echo with those haunting memories, the bed becoming an ominous symbol of the ordeal.

Then, my mother entered the room, her comforting presence offering a semblance of solace. "Kaden, she'll wake up. You should go home and get some rest. Your eye bags are getting worse," she said gently, reaching out to rub my back in a soothing gesture.

I gripped Naomi's hand tightly, unwilling to leave her side. "No, not until she wakes up again," I whispered with determination, feeling a deep responsibility to be there when she finally opened her eyes.

My mother persisted, imploring me to take care of myself. "Please, Kaden, get some rest," she whispered, pulling a pillow from her handbag. "Sleep here," she suggested, offering me a soft smile as I accepted the pillow, reluctantly yielding to fatigue.

As I closed my eyes, my mind remained tormented by the events of the surgery. With each breath, I found myself seeking respite from the relentless images that haunted me, hoping that when Naomi awoke, some of the heaviness in my heart would lift.


As I opened my eyes, a sharp pain shot through my stomach. Beside me, Kaden lay fast asleep, his weary face telling the tale of sleepless nights spent worrying about me. I couldn't help but feel touched by his devotion. Leaning over, I ran my fingers through his soft hair, smiling weakly at the sight of him resting peacefully. I pressed a gentle kiss on his forehead, grateful for his presence.

Amanda, always the caring mother, was on her phone when I greeted her with a faint smile. She came closer, concern evident in her eyes. "Hey honey, are you okay?" she asked sweetly.

"I... um, I don't know how I feel. I just feel so numb," I replied, trying to articulate the mix of emotions swirling inside me.

She kissed my forehead lovingly before stepping out of the room, leaving me alone with Kaden. As I observed his arm tattoos, so fitting of his personality, I fought back tears, the pain of losing our baby still fresh in my heart. I gazed at the ceiling, determined to hold back the flood of emotions threatening to overwhelm me.

When Kaden stirred and our eyes met, a smile crept upon my lips. He sat up, and we found ourselves inches apart. "Hey," I greeted him, and he tenderly touched my cheek with his warm hands.

"Hey," he responded, his voice still carrying the traces of sleep. I couldn't resist drawing him closer, my arms wrapped around his neck, and we shared a slow, passionate kiss. In that moment, it was just us, our connection stronger than ever.

During the kiss, tingles of excitement swirled in my stomach, and I felt his hands tenderly caress my hair as I ran my fingers down the back of his neck. When we finally pulled away, I bit my lip, my heart racing.

"I love you," he whispered, his declaration taking me by surprise.

"What?" I stammered, my cheeks flushing with shyness.

"I love you," he repeated, a soft smile gracing his lips.

I returned his smile, overcome with emotion. But my tender moment with Kaden was interrupted when my mom walked in, and I suddenly felt the pain in my stomach intensify. Kaden acted quickly, placing a sick bag in front of me as I vomited. He stayed by my side, gently rubbing my back, while my mom stood beside the bed, showing her concern.

I noticed my dad at the end of the bed, and embarrassment washed over me as I threw up again. "It's okay," Kaden reassured me, and I wiped my mouth. He kissed my forehead, and when I tried to get up, he stopped me, offering comfort and support.

Amidst the emotional encounter with my parents, Kaden excused himself briefly but later returned to inform me that the doctor had given us permission to go home that night. Feeling a strong desire to be with him, I expressed my reluctance to talk to my parents further. Kaden understood, respecting my need for space and offering unwavering support.

As we discussed plans for where to stay, Kaden's love and protectiveness touched me deeply. I couldn't help but wonder if anyone else knew about what had happened during the surgery, but Kaden reassured me, promising to handle any negative talk and stand up for me.

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