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As I arrived at Kaden's house, the morning sun began to illuminate the surroundings, creating a serene atmosphere. I gently knocked on the door, hoping to catch him awake. To my surprise, the door creaked open, and there stood Mia, clad in a flowing white robe. Her presence was unexpected, but she greeted me warmly with a smile.

"Hi, Naomi," she said, her voice calm and inviting.

"Hey, Mia," I replied, trying to mask my concern. "Is Kaden still asleep? I've been trying to reach him, but he hasn't responded to my texts."

Mia's eyes softened as she shook her head. "No, I haven't seen him since last night. We had an argument, and honestly, he can be quite difficult. I don't understand why you're still with him."

Her words struck a chord, but I couldn't help but smile. "It's complicated, Mia. I fell in love with Kaden a long time ago, back when he was just a little boy too afraid to give me a flower. Despite the ups and downs, I can't seem to let go. He still holds that special place in my heart."

As our conversation continued, Mia kindly invited me inside, but I declined and decided to return to my own abode. Once back in my room, I found solace on my bed, contemplating the complexities of my emotions. Suddenly, my phone buzzed, and I saw a message from an unknown number, adding an unexpected twist to the morning.


Hey, I got your number
from Amy.

Okay, who are you?

I'm Linsey. I wanted to
tell you that I slept
with your boyfriend last night.


The revelation sent a jolt through my entire being, and my mind raced to process the information.

The digital realm became the battleground for emotions, as an incriminating photo arrived, depicting my boyfriend, Kaden, shirtless alongside another woman. My heart sank, and tears flowed freely, as I wrestled with the overwhelming sense of betrayal.

Summoning courage, I decided to confront Kaden face-to-face and made my way to his house. Mia, his confidante and a dear friend, greeted me at the door. With unspoken understanding, she embraced me, offering solace in her warm embrace.

"He cheated," I managed to whisper, revealing the painful evidence in my trembling hands.

"He's an ass, Naomi. Please, just break up with him. I know you hope to change him, but you can't," Mia advised in hushed tones, her concern evident.

As Kaden entered the room, confusion clouded his eyes upon seeing me in distress. But Mia, with unwavering protectiveness, spoke for me, denying him the chance to comfort or explain.

"Don't talk to her," she warned him before reaffirming her support for me in my emotional upheaval.

Kaden, trying to understand the gravity of the situation, asked, "Baby, why are you crying?"

Despite the pain, I yearned for his embrace, for he wielded a power over me like no other. But Mia's fierce intervention kept him at bay, as she exposed his betrayal and handed him my unlocked phone with the incriminating texts.

He read the evidence, his expression shifting from confusion to sadness. "Naomi, this is b-" he began to say.

"Don't give me that bullshit, Kaden. You cheated," I retorted, my annoyance palpable.

Denial was his defense, yet Mia's no-nonsense approach confronted him relentlessly. "You see, that's your problem, Kaden. You have someone who would do anything for you, yet you still chose to cheat," she accused.

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