Chapter 9: No lloras

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A/n: ^credits to me, thank you for waiting!!

You woke up to your body aching so much you screamed. Recovery Girl came rushing to your side and. Cooed words of encouragement.

"Urgh...!" You grabbed the bars from beside your bed, feeling pain rush through your body.

"Hold on, okay? I'll help you, just stay still!" Recovery Girl carefully injected you in the arm.

You panted while the injection took effect.

"You'll be out for a while, make sure you rest well!" Recovery Girl tucked the blanket around you. "I'll see you in a few days."

(You can hear this with Cantarella - music box)

You felt yourself feel so light and like a waste of space. You opened your eyes to find yourself in a blank white space. What was this place?

You felt yourself fall before coming to a stop. You looked at your hands, finding them small but not enough to be a small child. You'd guess you were seven.

"Hey, silly girl, who are you?"

You turned your head to see a male with golden hair and brown eyes. You blinked and looked around. It was a flower field.

Ah, now you remembered.

"I'm (Y/n), what's yours?" You flashed him a smile.

"I'm Yuu." He responded, sitting next to you. "You look pretty."

Your eyes dilated. "Really?"

He nodded, a smile gracing his lips. "I think you're beautiful!!"

Pink dusted your cheeks. "Hey, how old are you?"

"I'm ten!!" He exclaimed, flashing his teeth. "What about you?"

"I'm seven."

"I'm older than you? That's great!!!"

You smiled as you had made your first friend.

"Lady (L/n), I told you to not sneak out of the mansion!!" Your personal maid came running and grabbed your hand. "You know it's dangerous!!"

"But Lili---"

"No buts! You could have gotten hurt or worse--kidnapped!! Come on, let's go!"

"Bye, Yuu." You sadly waved while he frowned.

"It's okay, I'll see you again!" He waved energetically.

You felt yourself falling again. You opened your eyes again to find yourself in bed.

"Psst, (Y/n), it's me!!"

You kicked off your blanket and excitedly ran towards the window, pulling apart the curtains. He winked at you. You smiled and opened the window, letting him jump inside.

"It's your birthday today, isn't it?" He hugged you. "You're finally turning eight!! I can't wait till you're older so we can be together!!"

You felt warmth in your chest, feeling it spread. You returned the hug. He pulled away and pulled out something from behind his back.

He placed it on your head, adjusting it. Then he nodded in approval, smiling.

"I knew it'd look good on you." He caressed your cheek with the back of his hand. "Happy birthday, (Y/n)."

"Thank you, Yuu!!"

He placed a kiss on your forehead. "I hope you sleep peacefully."

"You too."

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