Chapter 15: Emergencia

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"I love you." The girl with (e/c) eyes smiled at him. "Yuu."

Yuu gasped awake, his girlfriend sitting up with him.

"Hey, what's wrong baby?" She cooed, running his back.

"Just...just a dream..." He replied, holding her other hand. "I thought it was real and..."

She smiled, activating her quirk. Her eyes glowed a violet color, making Yuu's eyes go white.

"It's okay, everything will be okay. Forget about her, okay?"


She guided him back to sleep, cooing. "That's right, go back to sleep."

He closed his eyes, going back to a state of sleep. She deactivated her quirk and placed a kiss on his lips.

"You're mine. And I'll do whatever it takes to keep it that way."


You opened your eyes, adjusting to the bright light.

"Ah thank goodness!!" Recovery Girl exclaimed. "You've been asleep for two whole weeks!!"

You could barely lift an arm, not even your eyes could completely open. You looked around, hearing a steady beep.

"She's in a daze, she needs to recover." Recovery girl held back Katsuki from rushing to your bed.

You blinked before turning your eyes to Katsuki. It took a while to process but you smiled.

"Hey...Kat..." You slurred out. "What doing?"

Recovery Girl let go of him, letting him sit down beside you.

"Hey, stupid gorilla." Katsuki ignored the burning glare Recovery Girl gave him.

"Hey, what's up?" You closed your eyes again, feeling tired.

"You took too long to wake up." He grunted out.

"Sorry...where's Zu-Chan? What about peppermint?"

"They're training with the fucking class. I broke my fucking leg so that stupid teacher forced me to stay here."

"Oh...are you okay?" You opened your eyes and raised your hand to place it on his knee.

"I'm fucking fine."

"Glad to hear it." Your eyes fluttered shut again.

"She's too tired, let her rest. You go back to the dorms, you can come back tomorrow."

Katsuki tsked and stood, taking his crutch along with him. He was pretty pissed since you were asleep for two whole weeks. He waited for you every day to wake up and now he gets kicked out of the infirmary?

His crutch made a clicking noise each time he took a step. The way to the dorms took him half an hour. He frustratingly pressed the button on the elevator, grumbling under his breath.

He sighed as soon as he sat on his bed. He gazed at the figure you had given him and smiled. He grabbed it, moving its arms and legs until he made it into a pose he was satisfied with.

He placed it on his desk before standing to sit down at his desk. Might as well put the time he has to use. Studying was hard since you took up most of his mind, distracting him from processing any information.


Izuku wiped away the sweat from his forehead, sighing. He heard a commotion outside and decided to head towards it.

Golden •Hispanic/Latina!Fem!Reader x Izuku, Katsuki, Shoto•✓Where stories live. Discover now