Chapter 19: Dolor

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A/n: thank you for waiting~❤️

Quirks were a part of society, the stronger the quirk, the more respected you were. The scarier, the more scared they were, and they called them villains. A quirk like yours would be neither.

Sure they were scary but they were mythical creatures that were wise so they didn't exactly call you a villain. You were just a powerful being.

At least that's what they thought.

"Tomura." All for One's voice made him look up from his crouching position. "You failed once again but don't worry, you still managed to get by their first defenses."

All for One grinned, folding his hands together. "Bring me (Y/n) (L/n), she's an important asset to our plans."

"I've used all the nomus to defeat their first line of defense. There's ten of them, each one harder than the last!!"

"Don't worry, Tomura. We have all the time in the world." All for One grinned.


"I know you won't forgive me." Your grandfather gently stroked your hair. "But I had to, or else you would have been living with despair."

You didn't have any comeback or any comment. You didn't know what to say.

"(Y/n), there's a lot of things I regret not doing. Maybe if I had realized how much your father had done to you before, you wouldn't have gone through that pain. Maybe if I did search for you that day, you wouldn't have to be constantly kidnapped. Maybe if I stopped him that day---"

"It's fine. There's nothing you can do about it."

"I know." He sighed, memories flashing through his mind. "I know he's important to you, but you must not forget your duties."

You nodded, a smile growing on your face. "It's hard to forget my duties."

He chuckled, nodding. "It is quite hard to forget. I'll take you back to the dorms."

Darling appeared beside him.

"Someone's been trying to break through our line of defenses lately." He said as you climbed on.

"Wow, whoever it is must be crazy." You replied as Darling started to take off. "Nobody messes with the (L/n) family."

"They broke through our first line of defense, we shouldn't underestimate them."

"I know. But if only they knew the second line of defense." You giggled sadistically.

"You're right." He laughed right along with you.

Darling arrived in front of your dorm building. You jumped off, waving to your grandfather. You headed inside, the dorm building lonely since they were still in school.

You headed to your room and closed your eyes. "Location: Yuu's house."

Once you opened your eyes, you found yourself in front of his house. You did a quick scan to see if his lover was there and sighed. You hesitated before rapping the door thrice.

Yuu's lovely and gentle voice called out, "Coming~!"

You gently smiled, wishing that you and he were married. It'd make life so much fun and nice. He opened the door with a smile.

"Ah, (Y/n)!" He opened the door wider. "Come in."

"Sorry for the intrusion." You took off your shoes and sat down on his couch, feeling awkward.

He sat down beside you, blushing. "(Y/n), I wanted to tell you something."

You turned your gaze on him.

Golden •Hispanic/Latina!Fem!Reader x Izuku, Katsuki, Shoto•✓Where stories live. Discover now