CHAPTER 02: Team 7 reformed!

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Konohagakure, The Hidden Leaf Village.

Uchiha Sarada

She didn't expect any surprises when she walked into the Hokage building that day, but she wished she had; because the rest of the day was only going to be filled with them. It all started when an unusually happy and excited Konohamaru sensei assigned them the task of greeting someone at the Konoha Gates. The other teams had the day off as well, so it was just team 7 on the job today, and it appeared that neither Mitsuki nor Daiki knew anything about the mission.

They walked together to the gates, "I wonder who this special person's going to be" Daiki said. Mitsuki looked at Sarada for a moment as if he was about to say something but receded and just continued walking silently, staring straight ahead with an unusual expression.

"Yeah, it must be a feudal lord, or maybe a Kage," she thought out aloud, the suspense was killing her.

Daiki shrugged. "We'll just have to wait and find out," he said.

They'd been standing near the gates for a while now, and people had started giving them strange looks. Just as Sarada turned around to complain to Konohamaru sensei about the lack of arrivals, the wind became still and focused on a spot, where a swirly portal formed, similar to the one she had seen Shin Uchiha do. 

But he was in an orphanage, right? The only other person with a Sharingan... Was her father back by any chance? No... he couldn't be... but she was proven wrong, wasn't she?

Her father exited the portal swiftly. He was dressed in all black and wore a cape, and he looked exactly the same as he always had. Sarada immediately embraced her father after standing in stunned silence. "Papa!" she could already see her mother's face; if she knew, she'd probably faint...

Her father leaned forward to match her height and hugged her back, smiling. "You've grown taller Sarada"

Sarada wiped a tear off the corner of her eye, "it's been three years dad, what did you expect?" Channaro! Her dad was finally back!

He sighed, the smile still present on his face. "I will come home by dinner" he gave her a poke on the forehead before disappearing along with the wind.

Mitsuki and Daiki took a step forward "Was that your father? He looks awesome, and he's also Lord Seventh's rival, right? I'm curious if I could be his apprentice..." She chuckled at Daiki's rambling desire to become her father's student; it reminded her of... a sudden realization struck her: where was Boruto?

She didn't have to wait for long. Mitsuki tapped her shoulder and pointed a few meters in front of them, where another portal had begun to form. This portal took a longer time to expand than her father's had. This was purplish colour, and formed out of space, and didn't affect the wind, she had seen the same portal when her father had gone to rescue Lord Seventh from Momoshiki Otsutsuki.

A tall figure walked out of the portal, possibly a few inches taller than her. He had spiky blonde hair that moved with the wind, and he had a small scar on his right brow. He deactivated his right eye, the Jōgan after closing the portal. He, like her father, had a sword sheathed behind his back. "Boruto?" her eyes widened as she realized who she was facing.

Boruto almost fell once he comprehended there were people beside him. "Whoa!" he turned to the source of the noise, a look of shock and confusion passed over his handsome face "No that you... Sarada?" he asked in disbelief, she did note how deep his voice had become.

He blinked and then rubbed his eyes unsure whether he was seeing fake. She wanted to do it as well, but she couldn't. Instead, she ran at him and drew him into a bone-crushing hug, to which he responded almost instantly. 

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