CHAPTER 34: Code's Kāma.

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"Oh, Kawaki'' Code grinned at him. "So long since we've seen each other... Certainly you missed me? Because I did!" He sat with his legs folded on the stairs leading to the entrance of Kawaki's humongous hideout.

Kawaki glared daggers at the orange-haired jerk in front of him. This son of a bitch was still alive!? Not a surprise though. "What do you want... asshole?"

"Now, now" Code stood up and began walking. "I just came here to clear a few of your doubts, which you unquestionably have" he smiled politely, "you should be thankful"

Kawaki sighed, one after the other, how many fights was he going to go through in just one day? Good thing he hadn't tried too hard with Shinki, he would have wasted his chakra and would have been unable to reunite with Code.

"I'll be thankful to you when the Otsutsuki take over" Kawaki snapped venomously.

Code beamed, "very soon then"


"Wake up Kawaki," another voice said from behind him. He looked back and saw a blue and pink-haired girl walk over until she was about only an inch away from his face. She was undeniably very attractive, but something about her felt wrong, it should, considering she was here with Code. "I've been dying to meet you..." she placed a soft hand on his cheek and caressed it before he slapped her hand away.

"Hands off, bitch" her eyes twinkled in amusement. "What are you doing here?"

"That's already been answered," Code said sluggishly. "Eida sought to see you, and I had to answer your questions."

"How did you get my coordinates?" Kawaki looked between them.

"I saw you fighting the handsome Kazekage's son, couldn't help myself" Eida smirked. "It was funny watching him struggle against you"

"You monsters find many things funny" Kawaki made a fist as the karma began spreading.

"Kawaki, we aren't here to fight,'' Code clarified, noticing the red lines glow on Kawaki's face. "We just want to clear up a little confusion. For example, you may be wondering where and how you got the Karma from again?"

Kawaki frowned as his mark retracted. What were these two plotting? "Yeah, how did I get it back?"

Code raised an eyebrow before sneering. "See? That wasn't so hard, you're curious! So, I'll answer that, your new karma— is from me"


"What are you playing at?" Kawaki scowled. "It's not funny, tell me how I actually got it!"

Code laughed as if the whole situation was a comedy show, "come on Kawaki, how else do you think you got it? I know you're smarter than to believe Lord Isshiki returned!"

Eida patted his shoulder before Kawaki shrugged it off, "Code's not lying handsome. That is the real reason you have the Karma"

"Shut up" Kawaki closed his eyes to regain patience. "I know you bastards are lying"

"Do you also know there's going to be a war?" Eida asked, sitting on one of the neighbouring benches and crossing her legs. "I am the all-knowing, not you, Kawaki."

Kawaki turned his attention to her, "what the heck are you saying?"

"My bad, how rude of me to not introduce myself to my prince in shining Karma" she smirked. "I'm Eida, the all-knowing"

"I read about you in one of Amado's experiment documents," Kawaki recounted, frowning. "You were just another cyborg Jigen ordered to dispose of"

"Oh dear," she exhaled happily. "He knows me"

"That being said," Code intervened, "I take it you have more questions?"

Kawaki didn't know if this was some kind of a trick, but whatever it was, his curiosity took over. "How did you give me Karma? When?"

"One question at a time" Code leaned forward, his cruel smile never leaving his brat face. "I gave you the Karma the same way Jigen did, and when? Remember that night you spent in your home village? After murdering your pitiful stepdad?"

"You planted it on me after I killed that gormless pig!?" Kawaki glared at nothing, this was his fault for being careless...

"Precisely, and I know what your worry about it is, Kawaki." Code feigned sadness, "but this time, your Karma comes from me, and I don't have Otsutsuki blood, not yet at least. This means; your Karma is only a reliable source of strength, like mine, it only comes in the form of pure power"

"Your karma..." Kawaki frowned in thought, if what the munter said was true, then it might only help further with his plan.

"But the only bad news is, you're almost an Otsutsuki. So, using their power through Karma, is almost like you yourself are one of them. Talk about unfair..." Code said. "Furthermore, it means your power taken from the Karma far exceeds mine"

"I already knew it," Kawaki said. When he used Karma the last time, there had been a different and frightening rush in power; it wasn't the same feeling he remembered from when he was a kid.

"Still, I wouldn't be so relaxed if I were you, considering you hold power equal to that of Lord Isshiki, in a body that cannot handle the full force. The Karma's complete power is impossible for you to handle"

Kawaki ignored him and asked; "How come you're telling me all of this?"

"We were just bored," Eida answered. "And Code is tired of following his orders"

"Who is his?" Kawaki asked.

"We're going to leave." Code raised his arm lazily, totally disregarding his question. A vortex appeared in front of him, "...for the time being. See you later."

"Oi! Just a friendly reminder," Kawaki remarked before they could go, "but if I see the two of you around here again, I won't hesitate to send you back in bits."

"Oh, that's very scary" Code grinned one last time, "consider us warned"


It took a while for Kawaki to digest all the news they'd given him. A war coming... Code's karma in his palm... Uncontrollable strength...

He stood up from the lounge and stretched. Dawdling on those things weren't going to get him anywhere. 

Only one outcome was clear to his eyes at the moment, the visions he'd had before leaving Konoha were real, and they were approaching. Kawaki was the only one who could stop the Otsutsuki invasion, he was the only one who could make the world peaceful again.

Time passed quickly and he had finished planting the divine tree, now all it needed was chakra to grow, and what better way to pass chakra than the Karma?

As per his calculations, the tree would be ready in two years, until then... he'd have to wait.


I don't know what I'm doing, I have a bloody exam tomorrow and here I am, finishing another chapter as if Life is on the lane.

Hope you all enjoyed it, at least...

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