CHAPTER 10: The Mystery of his Injury

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If there was anyone out there who thought it was easy to abandon a mission for the sake of their friend. Well, Mitsuki could vouch for them that it was quite interesting, but never easy, especially when they had a Konohamaru sensei as their Mission report collector and organizer. He had been lecturing them on and on about the importance of missions and bragging about big stories from the past when he defeated Lord Seventh in the Chunin exams.

"This time your mission is excused, but be mindful, no more abandoning missions in the future! Now, what am I going to say those guys kore..." Konohamaru sensei quickly began shuffling through the pages on his desk. Mitsuki, along with Sarada and Daiki, bowed in respect and apology before leaving his office.

"I honestly thought we were going to get it!" Daiki said wiping sweat and smiling brightly.

Sarada glared at him before turning to Mitsuki. "let's pay Boruto a visit, good with you?"

Mitsuki nodded, "of course, but do you think he would be awake by now? We just dropped him by the emergency section. I think they may still be examining him," he said with a finger on his chin. Sarada held her hands together, and Mitsuki understood her worry and anxiety, but there was only so much they could do to help. "we'll meet him later if you're okay with that..."

"Fine, I'll go home then, see you," Sarada said before leaving Mitsuki with Daiki.

"I haven't seen her this worried ever before" Daiki noted, "does she think she will get into trouble for letting him pass out?" he asked stupidly.

Mitsuki had to admit, he was quite surprised... when he had first entered Konoha, he thought he knew everything he had to. But of course, Boruto and the others had proved him wrong, there were still many things he had to learn. And he got the impression the others thought he was a little clueless in a few matters, but Daiki was being even worse than him... right now. First of all, why would Sarada get into trouble for letting Boruto faint? And second, who wouldn't be worried if their sun wasn't around?

"probably" Mitsuki replied; seeing no reason to explain things to Daiki. "I think I will leave now too, bye!" he spared Daiki a closed eye smile before leaving the Hokage building and walking home.


"Yo Mitsuki! Mitsuki!" a voice called out from behind him.

Mitsuki turned around curiously, "good to see you Shikadai, Inojin, and Cho-Cho!" he greeted as they caught up to him.

"Good to see you too," Shikadai responded, "I heard Boruto was admitted earlier... what happened?"

"Oh, that—" Mitsuki started, "you see, we encountered these two rogue ninjas, but before Boruto could fight, he fell to the ground and blacked out"

"Is it anything serious?" Shikadai asked him looking partly worried and partly panicked.

Mitsuki shrugged, "I don't know"

Shikadai sighed, "ok then, since we have to meet up with team Shinki and team 15 near the borders, we'll leave, this is such a drag..." he said before being dragged away by Cho-Cho.


Mitsuki pushed open his apartment door and slid in. He picked up a recent photograph and smiled, it was taken at the restaurant the day Boruto had returned, 'it was quite fun', Mitsuki thought to himself.

He didn't forget his appointment with Sarada and Daiki to meet Boruto. So, after a few hours of thinking and training, he decided to go to the hospital.

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