CHAPTER 39: Kakashi's advice.

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Boruto had been brought into a circular, cold, confinement cell. The place was oddly familiar, maybe it was the one he had come across when Sasuke-san had taken him along to visit the Foundation's prison area.
There was no light, only the reflection from outside, no sounds, creepy silence, but one thing was unremarkably there; the bloody camera.

Two hours had passed now, sitting in solitude and fear. The prison keepers had been very strict about letting people in. So, until now, only his dad had been let in; he had told Boruto nothing was going to happen, that none of it was his fault, and that he would do his best to resolve everything and get Boruto out as soon as possible. That had been quite convincing since his dad was the Hokage and had a strong influence over people.

But this place was too depressing to feel hope, couldn't blame it, it was built for criminals after all...

Food was something he'd always had on time and never gone ahead without, but now, it made it a day without anything. Boruto easily ignored the pain in his gut out of hunger and kept thinking.

All the people his hands had killed, the children whose futures he'd destroyed, and everything else his body had done. The looks on the people's faces as he'd passed them, horror, loathing, hatred; looks Boruto had never imagined would be directed at him.

And the epithets they'd thrown at him, from; 'hero!', 'saviour!', 'pride of the leaf!' when he'd returned triumphant after the Isshiki battle, to; 'murderer', 'embarrassment', 'shame', 'scum' and much more hurtful things.

In short, he was now a criminal, all thanks to Momoshiki. Boruto rose and stomped fiercely on the metal table, a tear streaming down his cheek. How would he look the villagers in the eyes? Boruto bit his lip and inhaled deeply. What could he say to the families of those he'd murdered? They had no idea Momoshiki had done it; after all, it was his flesh that had committed the murder.

The looks of terror on his friends' faces had been enough to make him guilty. None of them had talked to him, nevertheless, made eye contact with him. Boruto decided to believe it was his fault, if he had become devoid of emotion, none of it would have happened, if only he had stayed calm and composed...

Boruto closed his eyes and tried to resist it, his heart throbbing as two more tears flowed from his eyes, Iwabe, Wasabi, and Namida didn't deserve it... their smiles kept reappearing in his thoughts, grins of now-dead shinobi.

He jumped back onto the bed and lay there, unable to control his emotions as recollections of his deceased friends reappeared. They were all going to the graveyard, Iwabe's goal to become Hokage, Namida and Wasabi's giggling. His heart ached as his surviving friends' incredulity, anger, and terror for him flashed before his eyes.

Most importantly, Boruto didn't deserve any of this, he sobbed as he remembered all the good times he'd had before leaving the village with Sasuke-san. He had had the time of his life; Isshiki was gone, and the Kara was no longer there. It was only him, his family, Kawaki, and his pals. Nothing could go back to the way it had before, since Kawaki had betrayed them, Iwabe, Namida, and Wasabi were all dead, and he was a criminal.

Boruto was startled out of his reverie as the door opened and a guard peered in, saying, "You have a visitor," and closing it before opening it wide again. Boruto hastily brushed his tears away and sat down on his bed."Sasuke-sama, he's an extremely dangerous individual, be careful," A tall and black-cloaked figure appeared. "He was able to eliminate three extremely competent shinobi from our tribe, one of them was Uchiha Sarada, so—"

"Leave us" Sasuke-san ordered and waited for the guard to strut away before shutting the door and walking in. He came to a halt across from Boruto and turned away to inspect the wall where Boruto had created scrape marks with his nails while grieving earlier before his father came to see him. You can't blame him; you would have done the same thing! "Feeling guilty?"

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