CHAPTER 40: Wish me luck.

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Boruto had further questions. Kakashi had just given him an utterly impossible mission, requesting that he leave the village and journey to the depths of knowledge to train. And now the grey-haired occhan was leaving as if he had clarified everything else.

"Wait up!" Boruto stood up before Kakashi could close the door behind him, he turned and raised his scarred eyebrow. "I have more questions"

"Ah—you thought I was leaving?" Kakashi chuckled nervously, placing a hand behind his neck. "No, I wanted to place the food tray here, didn't want the guard to walk into the room, again and again, using the food as an excuse"

Boruto sighed before sitting down. Why was his character so easy-going?

Once Kakashi had walked back in after securing the door, Boruto asked: "So where do I start?"

"By leaving the village" Kakashi-san repeated, "or, you can start by visiting Iwabe, Namida, and Wasabi's funerals"

"Yeah" Boruto shut his eyes and held his mouth together, he wasn't going to cry again... "I'll have to do that"

Kakashi stuck out a finger suddenly, "oh yes, I forgot to tell you about your Jōgan's newly discovered abilities"

"I already know all of them," Boruto said, grateful for the change of topic, he didn't want to depress over their deaths again. He had to save all the sorrow for later.

"You do?"

"It can manipulate gravity, it can see through time-space dimensions, it can see chakra links, it has kinetic tracing prowess, it can carry out my will—" Kakashi raised his eyebrow but kept quiet, "—it doesn't respond to anyone other than me and me alone, and it can multiply my chakra using my chakra"

"That makes sense" Kakashi took a few steps toward the door and looked back at Boruto, "I will take the security out of this building on my way out. Naruto will surely have placed more barriers past them—"

"What do you mean? You mean I should start this mission now itself? Fine, but what do you mean my dad placed barriers past the security guards? He doesn't know about any of this, does he?"

"Naruto is your father, Boruto, and he isn't as foolish as he appears, and Sasuke may have already informed him of his doubts by now." Kakashi frowned. "I see them because I was their sensei, for all I know, Naruto will place talented shinobi all day to watch out for you leaving the village, and the only way to get by is by battling your way through"

"You'll help me, right?" Boruto asked, raising an eyebrow.

"What have I been doing all along?" wondered Kakashi.

"I mean, other than taking the security in the building and all this, I mean in the battle with skilled shinobi"

Kakashi-san nervously massaged his neck. "Oh, about that, I could assist, but I just can't pass up today's exclusive steam bath deal." Boruto looked in astonishment at the former Hokage, wondering who made this man a Hokage in the first place. "Are you prepared, or not?"

Boruto clenched his jaw roughly, leaving the 'Kakashi-occhan is crazy' thought out. "I'm prepared"

"Excellent, now all that's left" Kakashi snapped his finger and a long black cloak fell out of thin air, how simply he performed summoning Jutsu... "you'll need this, to keep your identity covered"

"Thank you; isn't this from your days at ANBU?" Boruto inquired, scrutinizing the soft black material in his hands, there was something wrapped inside it. When he opened it, his eyes startled at the kunai "How did you get this? This belongs to my grandfather!"

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