CHAPTER 14: Expected?

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Uchiha Sarada

Putting the three guards to sleep was a piece of whipping for them, Mitsuki had two of them bit by his snakes and Sarada had the other put to sleep in Genjutsu.

"That was smooth," Daiki commented rubbing his hands nervously.

"don't waste time talking, if they get any farther, Mitsuki's snakes might lose the scent dattebasa!" Boruto said activating his Doujutsu and looking around.

"Boruto is right" Mitsuki stated, walking forward and stretching his arm, a snake crawled out, "this guy can only track the scent if it's within his range"

"They should be leaving the borders by now, considering papa said he needed to attend a meeting before leaving," Sarada reasoned.

Boruto frowned for a second before shaking his head, "let's get going," but not long after, their bodies were paralyzed by Shikadai Nara's Jutsu.

"Shadow paralysis Jutsu, complete" Shikadai walked forward from the darkness pointing a kunai at Boruto's neck, some best friend he was... "who would have imagined me catch you leaving the village again? you guys are such are drag..."

"Boruto-Kun?" Sumire stood beside Shikadai eyeing them with wide eyes. She too had her kunai out.

"Nice, you're here too" Boruto sighed. Once Shikadai had released the Jutsu and they were free to move, Boruto explained what they were doing.

"Konohamaru sensei is in trouble dattebasa! we can't—"

"And you do know who the reinforcement is, don't you? they are Mr Sasuke and Inojin's dad, one known as a legendary shinobi while the other is the head of the foundation, I don't think they would need the four of you to help them out," Shikadai said, scowling at Boruto.

Sarada felt the tension rise, "look, Shikadai, every second is being wasted right now, we told you the truth, we avoided conflict, we could have taken you down if we wanted to, but—"

"I agree that you could have taken us out because we would have been outnumbered, but that doesn't mean we would have let you have your way." Shikadai continued, "Okay, listen, these are my orders. It's a bother for me as well... Lord Seventh predicted this, and that's why he appointed the two of us to be cover guards today." Sumire nodded softly, her gaze fixed on Boruto. 'So, she really likes him, interesting,' Sarada observed.

"We are worried about Konohamaru sensei too, Boruto-Kun, but as Shikadai-Kun said, we can't break the rules—"

"Damn the rules, we are doing this for Big bro Konohamaru!" Boruto snapped angrily making his Jōgan flicker on for a second, Sumire flinched.

Boruto, realizing what he had done, quickly bent his head in apology, "I'm sorry dattebasa... it's just... why doesn't anyone else care what happens to them?"

"Look Boruto" Sarada placed a hand on his shoulder and met his eyes, "they do understand, they do care, but they're ordered to do this, and for a mission, they shouldn't let their emotions get in the way" she ran the plan through her head quickly. it was risky, but it could work... especially now that Sumire was here...

"at least one person in team 7 has proper sense," Shikadai said, sighing and throwing his hands behind his head.

"All we can do now—" Sarada smirked before making quick hand seals "—is fight our way through"

Shikadai jumped back and put his hand together as four shadows rapidly formed, dancing around and trying to reach them.

Sarada leapt into the air to finish her seal, "fire style: phoenix Jutsu!" She blew an enormous firebird, which flapped its wings furiously, raising the temperature of the entire area. All of the others looked taken aback by the significance and strength of her fire-style Jutsu. She quickly spotted Sumire and kept her in vision as she directed the fire toward Shikadai.

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