CHAPTER 27: Farewell for now...

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Toothbrush, extra clothes, abundant supply of drinks, kunai, and shuriken, check. Boruto zipped his bag and placed it carefully on top of his sealing scroll before performing the hand signs to make it disappear into the roll of paper. He was ready.

Boruto walked down to breakfast in the morning, knowing he had to spill the news to his family soon.

His old man grinned at him as he took his seat, "good morning Oniichan!" his small sister greeted, placing his food in front of him. Grilled fish and steamed rice. Boruto knew the food opportunity he had now was too much to miss, so he began attacking immediately. Because once he left, he would never know what he would have to live off...

And judging by the looks of it, his mother hadn't yet told his dad about his nightmares, good for him actually, or his father would be panicking over it by now...

Everyone had finished eating, and his mother began picking the dishes as his sister ran to meet her team at the door. Eho Norimaki and Yuina Itomaki. As Boruto had noted, and disliked, Eho, the boy in his sister's team, looked like he had an eye out for his sister. But they were still kids, so he dismissed the thought.

"bye!" his sister called out, leaving the house.

Thinking it was the last time he'd see her before leaving the village, Boruto dashed to the entrance. "Hima!" his sister and her team turned to look at him puzzledly. "Come here," she sprinted over to him.

"what is it Oniichan?" he was going to miss her.

"nothing dattebasa" he bent to her height and pulled her in for a hug. "be a good girl, okay?" she looked at him with a weird expression before shrugging it off. Boruto had the feeling she could tell something was up, this was his sister he was talking about after all...

"see you!"

Boruto walked back into the house, preparing himself to break the news just as his father stepped out to leave. "Touchan, stay for a while please"

"uh? Boruto-- What's wrong?" his father raised an eyebrow before walking back to the house. His mother watched seriously from behind the kitchen shelf, probably just as suspicious as his sister had been.

"I-- I am leaving the village again dattebasa" he sighed as his parents watched with frozen expressions on their faces. "I know what you both are thinking, but-- I realized when I fought Momoshiki and--" he let out another breath, "I had another dream yesterday"

His mother exhaled, probably fed up, "Boruto, don't act according to your dreams, you can't leave the village! You just recovered from--"

"Okaasan, I know, and I'm sorry; I know you're worried about me and all!" Boruto extended his hands "But you guys mean everything to me as well! I can't let some monsters just come in and kill anything I care about, dattebasa! Don't think I didn't try; I spent three years with Sasuke-san, just studying and looking forward to a stronger me." A tear streamed down his cheek, "I saw everything! I saw how much power these people wield! and a second wave is on its way! The Otsutsuki are not done yet! And what about all of the previous ones? They were just half of the story!" Boruto lowered his gaze. "With all of your damn hopes riding on me... I'm so sorry, dattebasa..." Boruto cast a look at his father, who's hand was on his shoulder now. His mother's hand had moved to her mouth, and she looked like she was just a sentence away from tearing up.

"Boruto, do what needs to be done" his mother didn't look so convinced, but she kept quiet, which hurt him. "Just know that we are here for you, always" his father had never been more supportive.

"Thanks, Touchan" his father pulled him into a hug before his mother crushed him, "be safe Boruto"

"I will. Don't worry" Boruto smiled weakly. "besides, I'm not going alone"

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