CHAPTER 25: With my eyes closed

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Uzumaki Boruto

Dreams, yes, strange dreams, Boruto had been having strange dreams one after the other for what felt like an hour now. It felt as if he was trapped in there, and he couldn't reach out to the outside world anymore.

Sure, he could hear everything that happened around him when his mind was awake, but he couldn't see anything, nor feel anything, this was the worst... how long was this going to drag on?

"Hinata-san" that was the kind nurse's voice, "Boruto-Kun's vitals are healthy now, he may wake up in-- maybe give him a week" she informed.

"Th-thank you so much" his mother's voice came closer, "I'm here for you Boruto" he could say her voice sounded forced cheery, and that his mom was really broken on the inside at his state. His hand suddenly felt warm. Wait a damn minute... his hand felt warm!? He could feel again!?

Boruto attempted moving his fingers a little, just to tell his mother he was alright, and that she needn't worry. He managed something he desperately wanted at last, "B-Boruto!?" his mother probably took both his hands in hers now, because he felt like it. "Nurse!" she called excitedly, "he-he moved his fingers!"

"Really!? That's amazing! He's making quicker progress than we imagined then!" his inner self saddened as the heat of his mother's hands left him. Another rush of liquid entered his veins and he fell into the darkness of nightmares once again.


"Almighty Lord Shishiki" a voice boomed behind him, another dream? "that's four of our main clan blood possessors dead or disappeared" Boruto was looking at a shiny silver throne, with a white, cloaked man sitting on it, patting his scythe. His vision moved to the tiles as whoever he saw through, kneeled in respect. 

"I saw it already" this voice held power, and he meant real power because the whole place became strong in wind and blew everything nearby away, and Boruto could obviously make out that this power was far beyond any other's he had encountered. This Lord Shishiki's voice itself changed the atmosphere around them, "I see everything with the Jogan" the Jogan!? Did he know something about it!? "Momoshiki hasn't yet been destroyed, I can still sense his presence amongst a human child... You know what has happened to the Otsutsuki princess... Urashiki and Kinshiki are, however, destroyed for good"

"de-destroyed for good my lord? I can understand Kinshiki since he wasn't from the main blood line..." Boruto spoke, or whoever he saw through did, damn, his voice was real deep... "but lord, I was under the impression that the loss of your children-- or the loss of members from the main clan was an--"

"silence" the powerful voice commanded calmly, making Boruto zip instantly. "if they're not powerful enough to even defeat beings such as humans, they don't deserve to live"

"you're right my lord" Boruto stood up, "but what of older brother? What of Otsutsuki Isshiki?"

"both of my dearest sons have been taken, Momoshiki and Isshiki, by the same two humans; Uchiha Sasuke, who is descendent and reincarnate of Otsutsuki Indra, the older son of the sage of six paths, and Uzumaki Naruto, the most powerful shinobi in the earth right now... but however, my sons placed karma on two boys, one of them, already in the might of an average Otsutsuki, Kawaki, and the only other Jogan possessor: Uzumaki Boruto. For now, the only threat is Kawaki, focus on him, let the other live"

"I see, but father" the guy Boruto saw through spoke again, this time he looked up at his lord and father, "I can sense the planet's whereabouts as I speak, it would be wiser if I captured the Jogan"

"have you not heard what I said Jurojishiki?" the cloaked man asked. "I said you to leave him be, for the Jogan isn't something that can be captured"

"My apologies, my lord," Jurojishiki said, what a weird name... "I will leave for the earth now. I will not disappoint you father," he turned around and walked as a strong circular portal formed in front of him.

"I know you won't" and Boruto fell into the abyss of black once again...


Boruto could see again once he woke up. His mom was nowhere to be seen, but Sakura-Obaachan was.

"S-Sakura-Obaachan?" he whispered, but she heard him, so she walked over in surprise.

"Boruto!? You're awake already?" she asked him in surprise, her eyes wide open. What was wrong? Did they expect him to wake later?

"yeah dattebasa"

"thank god" she pulled him into a hug... type of, with all the weird wires and all going into him, there were so many obstacles in the way for a hug, but still, the gesture was nice. "I'm so glad... How do you feel?"

"normal, well, just a bit fuzzy" he answered truthfully, recounting his dream from before, he definitely had to think over that someday later... "where are the others? How long was I out for?" he looked beside his bed and saw many piled flowers and presents... that couldn't be done in a single day...

"uh- Boruto... you were in a coma for three and a half weeks now"


I know, I know. This chapter is smaller compared to the others and all... but come on, this is a quick update... right?

Hope you guys don't mind and enjoyed reading the chapter!

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