CHAPTER 30: Kashin Koji

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Ever seen a fight between two sages?

Well, Boruto had never. Guess he shouldn't have taken Daiki lightly that day after all...

Both men were in perfect toad sage modes. And they fought incredibly, "Sasuke-san! Let's help him!"

"No" he stared at his master, "Konohamaru can handle this. This was his mission, we shouldn't disturb. If it turns out bad, we'll step in" Boruto nodded, seeing no other choice. Sasuke-san could be strict in some ways...

"Fire style: great flame dragon Jutsu!" Konohamaru shouted, running toward Kashin Koji and blowing fire which the latter defended using a substitution Jutsu.

"You've grown strong now, haven't you?" Koji made an enormous Rasengan and put it in Big bro's direction. "To have pushed me to sage mode... you are some Jounin, I'll give you that"

Konohamaru vanished and appeared behind Koji, "wind style: Rasengan!" His Rasengan was countered with his Koji's. How much chakra did these guys have anyway? They were playing around with Rasengan like they were paper rocket easy to make.

Boruto stared in awe as the two men began fighting in close combat.

Big bro Konohamaru had never been quicker as long as Boruto had known him; his eyes and body kept constantly moving, there wasn't a second of rest, it was as if he could see all of the attacks coming to him at once.

Then there was Kashi Koji, he really was a monster compared to Delta. It was a surprise Big bro was still standing...

Koji managed to kick Konohamaru on his abdomen before getting punched on the face.

The match was so quick Sasuke-san had his three-tomoe Sharingan out, and Boruto had his Jōgan. He observed how different chakra entered both the fighter's bodies from the environment.

Konohamaru made rapid hand seals and took a deep breath as Kashi Koji did the same. "Fire style: Burning ash Jutsu!" he cried.

Koji simultaneously shouted, "Fire style: Fire god Jutsu!"

Kashin Koji's fire took over, but Konohamaru had escaped. He made another set of hand signs, "ninja-style: mud flame dragon!" a huge dragon head appeared from the ground and began shooting fire-coated mud at Koji.

Kashi Koji ran; effectively avoiding the bullets and at the same time approaching Big bro Konohamaru, who had now released himself from Sage mode, and was panting at the loss of Chakra. Kashin Koji seemed to possess a higher infusion of Chakra.

The mud dragon melted as Kashin Koji took Konohamaru by the neck. "I expected—what!?" his clone poofed and Big bro Konohamaru disappeared. And as the smoke receded, a blue ball of chakra collided with Kashin Koji. "Rasengan!" Oh, so that's what it had been...

'He pretended to be low on chakra so Kashin Koji would let his guard down...' Boruto noted.

But Koji was sly too, his body turned into a wood log as Konohamaru quickly reacted and blocked Kashi Koji's incoming kick. He held one leg but the other moved quickly and Kashin kicked Konohamaru in his shoulder, probably dislocating one of his arms. Neither of them was in sage mode anymore.

Koji took Konohamaru's cry of pain and pulled a kunai out, coating it with chakra. Boruto's eyes widened as the kunai missed Big bro's throat, close call... Konohamaru bent backwards and kicked the kunai off Koji's hand before jumping back on his hands.

"That was close kore" Konohamaru smirked.

"I've noticed your improvement," Koji remarked, "but that's not enough to beat me yet" he bit his finger and spread the blood on his palm instantly, "summoning Jutsu!"

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