CHAPTER 15: A Strategy.

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Nara Shikadai

Who knew camping with Sarada and Mitsuki could become such a drag?

One kept asking and saying weird stuff while the other kept glaring at him every time he went even a little close to sleeping. How he wished he was home and sleeping comfortably— wait, his mom was home— ok, how he wished he was in the park— wait, kids were there!

Forget it...

They had already grouped with Konohamaru sensei, and Shikadai had come up with a plan to capture the Kara members/member, they still hadn't found the mission pair of ANBU who had called them in the first place. Mr Sasuke and uncle Sai were probably searching for them by now...

Shikadai's plan was simple, yet so complex... that sounded just like a Nara clan member... what a drag... anyway, he had asked them to divide into different groups of three and each position themselves at each area of predicted appearance of the enemies. He had placed Boruto, Konohamaru sensei, and Sumire in one team, Shikadai had his reasons... next, he had paired himself with Mitsuki and Sarada, for which, he had explanation too. As for Daiki, he had run along with the troublesome elders, with Sarada's dad and Uncle Sai.

So, in short, every team was at least a few kilometres apart from each other.

"SHIKADAI!" Sarada yelled at him angrily (this was the fourth time), "can't you stay lively for at least a goddamn second!?" man... how troublesome women were... there was his mother, then his female friends... what a drag... "and Mitsuki, can you get to your snake and check if the others are alright?"

Sarada sighed, placing a hand on her forehead as Mitsuki obeyed and put two fingers out, concentrating. "you guys are going to give me a headache... okay, let's revise this plan one last time" and so they did.

But not a minute had passed after they had finished before they heard the rustle of leaves and a chuckle.

Mitsuki didn't waste a second as he withdrew his two fingers and quickly weaved hand seals, "wind style: immense breakthrough!" he directed the wind at the forest behind them, the ferocity of his Jutsu blew away the trees and revealed an unscathed, curly blonde, cloaked woman, smirking amusedly at them.

"Well, well... look what we have here..." she said removing the cloak and throwing it away. She was quite attractive, wearing a turquoise outfit with a triangle shape cut-out on her chest with red and black striped tights. "I guess you're not the one we're looking for, but well, it wouldn't hurt to stretch a little now... would it?" she was meters away from them even before they heard her last word.

"So fast..." Shikadai noted. Then it hit, he had gone through her description before! Lord seventh had asked him to help with a few documents in his office, where he had seen it. Shikadai didn't have much time to think as Mitsuki pulled out his twin swords. She must be really strong for him to do that...

Shikadai had to do something too, so he quickly put his hands together, "shadow style: shadow strangle Jutsu!" the shadow faltered as he felt a sharp jab of pain on his stomach, the blondie was in front of him! Her speed wasn't for his eyes...

He felt himself fly back and crash the husk of the tree. A small groan escaped his lips at the sudden pain in his spine.

"Fire style: great fireball Jutsu!" Sarada shouted, blowing fire in the air, not giving the blonde enemy a second look. Shikadai weakly wondered what she was up to, considering she wouldn't do anything without a reason...

Mitsuki covered for Shikadai and kicked Delta... yes, that was her name! As he tried to recover more information from the scroll about the Kara members, Mitsuki had Delta playing defensive as his attacks were very lethal.

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