CHAPTER 31: Breaking news

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Konohagakure, the Hokage building


Everyone in the room waited for Lord Seventh to speak the next word, "who of you are prepared?" he asked, his expressionless face studying the crowd wisely. Most of the Chunin and Jounin raised their hands, but Sarada didn't, so naturally, he didn't either.

After what seemed like three minutes, Sarada finally threw her hand in the air, looking brave. Mitsuki followed her action, remembering that he had an own will and that he needn't always stick with his comrades. Still, it was fun.

"You all do realize this is a war, right?" Lord Seventh said. Sarada's hand didn't waver, nor did any of his other year mates'. "This is not a test of courage dattebayo, people may die!"

Mitsuki did realize It was a war, and he did know that many people raised their hands because of their partners or team, just like him. But what separated him from those ninjas, was the fact that he had no problem whatsoever risking his life for the place he called home, a place which Boruto would die protecting too.

Even after he had struggled to find his will, Mitsuki had faced another resistance, his purpose of living. His parent had created him to do things he had never had a chance to do, but that was supposed to be his purpose, what was the purpose he was actually meant to have? Mitsuki had realized that only after Boruto had returned to the leaf after his long journey. His purpose was to serve and protect, just like a shinobi.

The time he'd thought Sarada would die, he understood true pain within himself, a pain he'd never felt before. It had been torture for him, he had never been trained to control pain like that and it had driven his mind berserk, the first time something as such had ever happened. 

He reflected that situation to the current one. Seeing all his friends raised hands; Mitsuki lowered his slowly.

Everyone around him turned to raise their eyebrows, and one of the Jounin was kind enough to whisper (loudly to add), 'frightened snake'. Sarada glared at whoever it was, and he shut up immediately. She turned to Mitsuki and looked at him worriedly, "what's wrong Mitsuki?" he could feel Lord Seventh's sharp eyes on them.

"Sarada, have you ever wondered if you can handle the pain of your comrades being killed?" he asked her, knowing she would surely have a different thought on it.

Sarada sighed and closed her eyes. "I—I've never considered it," she confessed. "It would certainly be disastrous if that occurred. But we must hope that it never happens, right?" She sent him a friendly smile.

Mitsuki lowered his gaze to the ground and considered her words. Can you hope a friend would never die? But it would be illogical, wouldn't it? Given that this was a battle, people were bound to die. Or maybe he didn't get it the same way the rest of them did? Isn't this the key reason he followed Boruto and Sarada? Because he had so much to learn in his own mind!

Mitsuki raised his hand once more without hesitation.

Sarada's and the rest of his friends' faces filled with relief. Mitsuki shrugged his shoulders, perplexed as to why...

"I see most of you are willing. I am proud" Hokage-sama nodded at his advisor, Shikamaru, who took the mic.

"But none of you can actually do this without the consent of your guardian" groans filled the room. Mitsuki smiled as Sarada rolled her eyes and Shikadai muttered, 'what a drag'. "I know it's a childish thing to do, but seeing as how things are now, it's a must. Mirai, can you distribute the sheets?"

Sarutobi Mirai, another one of Boruto's Big sis's, began issuing everyone a paper, or more like throwing everyone a paper. She seemed irritated. Once Boruto's Big sis reached them, she muttered, "I'll become Hokage one day just to kill Lord Sixth" Mitsuki wasn't sure whether he had to call the police force to get her before she did that.

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