CHAPTER 06: The Solo mission.

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Sumire Kakei

When Boruto had asked her why they had been acting strange, she had obviously lied. When she had heard about his return to the village after three years of his training leave, she had had quite a hard time believing it. And when he had met her near the gates of Konoha, she had prepared for the worst, to faint, it also made her grasp the fact that there was no other guy in the village about their age who could compete with him in looks, and that was how handsome he looked now...

Boruto had seemed completely normal ever since he had returned, always glowing with happiness, radiating it, and always smiling. But after they had encountered Kenji, she realized a part of him had changed too. He had not only scared Kenji but her as well. His cold glare had sent chills down her spine, it was so not like him, and yet, it fit him somehow. She didn't know this part of him, maybe because she didn't know him too well? Or maybe he had actually changed quite a bit during his travels with Sarada's father, also known as a legendary shinobi along with the Lord Seventh, Uchiha Sasuke.

"Hey, Sumire! Sumire!" Wasabi snapped a finger in front of her face bringing her back to her consciousness. Currently, team 15, Boruto, and team Shinki were tracing down the chakra trails of the weapon in which, Boruto's right eye, the Jōgan, proved extremely useful.

"Yeah?" she asked Wasabi who had pulled back a little from the rest of the team so that she was running alongside Sumire now. "what's wrong Wasabi?"

"Nothing, it's just that you went off into your own world and looked pale for some reason. Thinking about Boruto again?" Wasabi teased her, Sumire felt her already burning face heat up.

"it's not like that! It's just..."

"Yeah, I noticed too"

"I don't know why; I've never seen him like that before, even with his enemies. The look he gave Kenji" Sumire stopped speaking and took a deep breath looking at the handsome figure running before her. His bright yellow hair flew and his face looked amused while he was happily chatting... or annoying the other good-looking Shinki.

"Yeah, but still, he hasn't changed a bit towards us, has he? So, I don't think there's anything we should be worrying about!" Wasabi reassured her.

Sumire gave her friend a grateful smile and decided not to worry. After all, like Wasabi had said, whatever happened, Boruto was Boruto, the guy she adored in almost every aspect.

"But still," Wasabi placed a finger on her chin while running, Sumire still didn't know how she did that; she couldn't run two meters without moving her arms... and yet, this girl could play with her Kunai while running a marathon. "When are you going to ask him out? You should at least leave a hint that you like him!" she winked at Sumire who was blushing madly, "I mean, I'm sure he doesn't have an eye for any girl, even if he did, it might only be one of you two" she specified thoughtfully.

Sumire raised an eyebrow at her friend, "don't be silly, there's no possible chance of him liking me, but who is the other one?"

"Sarada, of course. I mean, they're on the same team and always together. They've been very close for a long time before this right?"


"Yes, she wouldn't return his feelings even if he did like her in that way" Wasabi completed for her, "because she said so to you, didn't she?"

"Yeah, I asked her a few years ago, when Boruto was still there. But she couldn't have been honest, right?" Sumire asked her.

Wasabi sighed, "I think she was, but feelings change over time, don't they? What if she likes him now? The only way to find out—"

"Hey, you guys!" Namida called from behind, wait—behind? They were the only ones running! They had been so engrossed in the discussion that they hadn't notice everyone else stop. Both of them joined the others and they gathered around Yoda's map.

"Okay, we'll deploy one of the—" she couldn't complete what she had begun saying as a kunai was thrown on the centre of the map. It took a two-second late difference compared to Boruto and Shinki for them to realize there was a paper bomb attached to it. They all jumped back quickly, Sumire made an X gesture with her arm to protect herself from the explosion if, by any chance, she got caught in the range.

Once she was in a distance along with the others she stared at the distance at the tall figure; he had short dark blue hair, two long scars under both his eyes. He wore a long dark brown ragged cloak and a glowing pink dress underneath it. His face split into a malicious smirk at the sight of the still standing. "Very nicely countered!"

"Who are you?" Sumire questioned.

He turned to her and slowly eyed her, up and down. All the time his smirk still present, "that information is unneeded. Now then, which of you have the scroll?"

Realization hit Boruto's face. He glanced at Shinki, and a look of understanding passed between them. But before anyone could react, six puffs of smoke appeared beside the guy. Six people stood side by side in its place once the smoke had receded. All of whom wore weird costumes and had dark brown ragged clothes above.

"What are you guys doing here?" the first yelled at the tall female beside him.

"It was getting boring down our end; they weren't strong enough and they didn't have proper loot!" she complained hastily.

"Who are these feisty looking youthful youngsters, oh and look at their headbands! They look like they're shinobi too! At last, we can fight strong—"

"Shut up you mongrel, we all know that you're all talk and embarrassment, if I were the leader of this gang, I would have kicked you out already!" the tall female snapped, making the poor fat guy confine his mouth. "So, you think one of them has the scroll?" she asked the first guy.

However, before he could reply, another voice spoke up, "it's true, I have the scroll!" all of the gang turned to look at Boruto. Then it hit Sumire, the scroll he had told them about! The lure!

"What are you trying to play at?" the tall woman glared venomously at him. Boruto smiled cunningly and pulled out the scroll.

"Is this what you're looking for?" he asked them, tauntingly playing with the scroll as the tall woman's eyes moved with it.

"Get it!" the first guy shouted suddenly; making one of his partners jump into the air and weave hand signs, "plastic style: quick wrapper Jutsu!"

Boruto responded almost immediately, "wind style: air bullets" and Sumire could have sworn he hadn't weaved any signs for the Jutsu. His attack had the other members of the thieves moving since the air bullets could attack multiple opponents at once.

Sumire was about to step in and summon Nue right when a hand spread out in front of her, warning her to stop. Shinki looked at Boruto and then at the rest of them, "we are not going to interfere with his mission, we'll continue proceeding with ours"

"What? no way! you don't think Boruto can handle them all by himself, do you? we have to help him!" Sumire cried. Wasabi and Namida nodded. Shinki's facial expression remained unchanged.

"I am the leader for this mission, I decide what to do" he disclosed before turning to a concentrated-looking Yoda, "have you located the source of the strange noise?" he questioned, furrowing his eyebrows.

"Yes, we'll have to move in that direction!" she pointed east, they began moving but team 15, excluding Tsubaki, didn't budge.

"We can't leave him alone!" Sumire said.

"You're coming or not?" Yoda asked her angrily, Sumire shook her head before turning to look at Boruto, who had his shadow clone evade the attacks swiftly while the real him performed offensive Jutsu.

"This is his mission, and he is carrying it out. what will you do about yours?" Araya asked her. And Sumire had to admit she was surprised; she had almost thought he had become mute.

She looked at Boruto and saw he had already taken one of them down, she turned back to the team. "Alright! let's move!"


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