CHAPTER 21: The midnight sparring session.

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Uchiha Sarada

The air around them was as thick as ice... Boruto's tight grip didn't budge an inch, and it wasn't as if she wanted it to... His body's shared warmth was so entrancing...

They had eaten the delicious birthday cake and the party was almost to a close; about everybody except their gang had left, even Cho-Cho's parents had gone home.

Daiki and Vilson had been glaring at each other nonstop for about seven minutes now. They had had a fight when Vilson had begun ranking her team's strength based on his knowledge, unusually placing her as the strongest, and docking Boruto and Daiki as the weakest. Boruto looked too tired to even speak at the moment, all he did was stand by and support her, communicating with head movements. Sarada couldn't be more grateful to him, she realized how much trouble she was causing, by restricting his movements and keeping him confined to her all the time.

"Don't worry," he whispered to her ear, her body stiffened as his breath tickled her ear unintentionally. "I know you're feeling guilty"

Daiki snapped something at Vilson who responded evenly, but Sarada wasn't paying any attention to them. "I'm sorry Boruto," she said, "I know I'm putting you through a lot of pain"

"as I said: don't worry dattebasa!" he added silently, "besides, it gives me a reason to stay with you"

"Relatable," she said, aware Boruto hadn't realized he'd said it out loud. Sarada hadn't really lied; it was genuinely fun to hang out with Boruto because, as usual, he brought fun everywhere he went, and his company was simply alluring.

"Wh-what? What's relatable dattebasa?" he asked, his cheeks turning pink. She thought he looked adorable in this state before kicking the thought off her mind.

"Nothing," she said, smiling and turning to look at the drama. She felt Boruto shake his head.

"so why don't we settle this the old-fashioned way, Mr Mudface? I could take you alone anytime, why don't we do two against one?" Vilson asked, confidently puffing his chest out. Sarada felt like he was being too arrogant...

"Or just one against one, I bet I wouldn't even have to use ninjutsu to take you down!" Daiki was the other overconfident guy... seriously, why were they fighting anyway?

Cho-Cho answered her question like she had read Sarada's brain, "they think each of them is stronger than the other... common boy things... do you have any leftovers?"

Sarada shook her head, she hadn't even eaten that much in the first place to carry leftovers around...

"What about you, Uzumaki Boruto?" Vilson turned to look at Boruto, inviting him, "up for a challenge?"

"No thanks," Boruto replied.

"Just what I expected from a spoiled coward," Vilson ridiculed and a visible vein popped on Boruto's forehead, "as it has come to this--"

"Alright, count me in dattebasa!" Boruto suddenly got back in posture, his face brightening once again. He glanced at Shikadai, and Sarada saw a look of mischief pass.

"Now that's more manly" Vilson remarked, "so, shall we do it now? Two against one?"

Boruto put his hand up, "no need for a two against one. Lets spar, only the both of us, if I lose, then you can fight Daiki"

Vilson smirked, "this is going to be easy" This guy was a Jounin... and not a Junior Jounin like herself, but an actual Jounin, like Shikadai, so there might be some bad news about him...

"Wait up! We are doing it now!?" Daiki shrieked suddenly, "Oh shit! I forgot I have a leg wound!"

"Ah?" Cho-Cho squinted her eyes at him, "liar, you're just getting an excuse, arent—"

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