CHAPTER 32: The divine tree

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Sunagakure, the Village Hidden in the Sand.


Three damned years, three damned years he'd been searching for traces of the Divine tree's leftovers, and there'd always been one in an underground facility of Sunagakure.

The only challenge he thought he'd face, was the guard resistance. Not because he couldn't fight them, but because he didn't want them to alert the village, or worse, the Kazekage. And in addition to all that, he had to avoid murdering innocents. Doing that would make him no different from Jigen.

Kawaki jumped out of the portal and removed his hooded cloak. The sun was blazing fire, how did people live here anyway? Even his feet burnt when they made first contact with the sand.

He looked around for any type of presence, no one. Time to get searching.


An hour had passed, and not a single lead to the underground facility. Maybe he had to ask for hints in the village itself...

Entering was simple, he kept his cloak up full time and died every second because of the heat. Nothing felt lucky today, from wearing a black cloak to searching cluelessly for the chakra tree. But he could never give up, he wasn't doing this for him, it was for Konoha, for the people he loved. For Lord Seventh, for his family, for Boruto.

"Have you identified—" Kawaki immediately kicked the guard shinobi's shin, making him bend in pain before Kawaki hit the side of his neck, knocking him out for the time being.

"Sorry, but I can't have your assholes ruining my cover here" he muttered, taking the chakra signature allowance card which, he heard a few guards in the Sand Village carried because of their chakra type not being admitted through the barrier.

He walked inside after hiding the securities body away; the other guards he'd lured away using a shadow clone. Shinobi were so stupid in this area...

The village was loud, and it was irritating. Since he hadn't been in that type of environment for years. It made him think of his time in Konoha, the fun days when he'd thought he had a family and he could live a normal and safe life without endangering them.

Kawaki stopped by a distant bar, which was situated in the outskirts of the village. It was old and dusty, like the type of bars most criminals visited. There were many men there who reminded him of his late stepfather, who he'd murdered a few weeks after deserting Konohagakure. That bastard didn't deserve to live.

He took his place on a stool and remained there with his hood covering his identity. A girl walked over to him, probably a whore. She didn't look old enough to be one though, maybe a year younger than him, Boruto's age.

He had to admit, she was pretty; but wearing those tight and revealing clothes, allowing men to stare at her breasts, legs and ass... that all drew her looks back.

"How can I help you? Ikemen like you are—"

"shut up" he whispered, annoyed. But she responded. He could say she wasn't used to this type of treatment, "and leave me alone"

She looked hesitant, "uh—maybe we could—"

"Bring me water" he interrupted again, sighing. At least getting her away from him would give time to talk to the bar owner. She smiled, but he could tell it was really forced, as her eyes gave away the look of fear.

After the girl had left, he turned to focus on the potty old man in front of him. "You old bastard, come 'ere" he called.

The fat grandpa walked over. "What ya' want lad?" he raised a short eyebrow.

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