CHAPTER 09: The Silver Twins

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One thing she had learned from the twins the last time they faced off was a rule: if you are faster than your enemy, it tilts the battle in your favour. Ever since that day, along with Mitsuki, who was already almost as fast as lightning in his sage mode, she had trained her best to increase her speed. And now, it was time for her to see the results of her training.

The two-brother got on their pace and made the signs for water clones, making six more clones of themselves emerge from the pond behind them. Sarada expected Boruto to create his infamous shadow clones, but surprisingly, he didn't, and instead coated his katana with white electricity.

One of the clones lunged and covered a huge distance with one jump, in extreme speed to attack Mitsuki, who turned it back to its water form with a single smooth swipe of his light sword. "wind style: extreme breakthrough!" he shouted; blowing powerful wind on the remaining clones. They multiplied themselves and took the damage.

"ha-ha! Look at that! The snake boy's so desperate to get us back for last time! Shall we transform brother?" the younger brother looked at his older brother for confirmation, who nodded... Silvery aura quickly began hovering around them.

Mitsuki glared at them before light blue chakra started circling him. Boruto closed his right eye and opened it, now a glowing Jōgan working, but before he could take the next step forward; he dropped to his knees abruptly, gripping his right arm as if it was going to come off. "What's wrong, Boruto?" Sarada dashed over to him.

His eyes glazed over to her and he opened his mouth to say something as his right eye turned back to blue. "Sarada, quickly, rebind the—" he fell to the floor before he could complete what he was saying. Mitsuki looked at Boruto with concern.

"what do we do Sarada? What's wrong with Boruto? Shall we retreat?" he questioned, clearly concerned for his friend. She shook her head and got up leaving Boruto aside and activating her Sharingan.

"let's take them on with all we've got. Mitsuki, Daiki! Let's do Formation 12, offensive" Sarada instructed before infusing chakra in her fists and punching the ground immediately, which trembled and broke. The brothers quickly jumped; but Sarada had already foreseen that, knowing they had extreme kinetic abilities now that they were under their silver chakra transformation.

Daiki was in the air with them, "fire style: blazing grand flames!" he spat a huge amount of fire on the brothers whose silver chakra protected them from being barbecued. Mitsuki quickly engaged one of the brothers in a speedy sword fight while Daiki and Sarada repelled attacks that the other brother now threw.

"ha-ha-ha! So pathetic! Jump! Dodge! Jump! Dodge! That's all you can do you wimpy cowards!" the brother laughed. Sarada dodged a silver stalactite and made quick hand seals, if the fire didn't work on them, then what about this...

"lightning style: shock string!" and the next moment, the silver chakra around the brother disappeared as the shock beam passed through his heart. He spat blood out and disappeared into a pool of water. "a water clone?"

"tricked yah!" she heard the brother behind her as she sighted the tip of his water blade through the centre of her chest. There was a poof, and she disappeared in a puff of smoke.

"a shadow clone?" he jumped away quickly, avoiding Daiki's axe blow. His eyes darted around everywhere in search of Sarada, who observed his movements carefully from within the shadow of the leaves. She also kept an alert eye on Boruto, who hadn't moved at all. Mitsuki also seemed to push his enemy away from Boruto.

"ahh-h-h!" Mitsuki's opponent screamed running at him with his blade directed at Mitsuki's chest. Mitsuki avoided it with a small feint and pulled his enemy together with his extended arms and threw him back harshly on a tree branch.

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