CHAPTER 28: Declaration of war

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Uchiha Sarada

"—and he just walked away like that!?" Shikadai screamed, his face furious. Sarada couldn't blame him; who knew she was the only person Boruto had spoken to before leaving the village?

"So, he came to your place, and told you he was leaving because he had a dream—" Mitsuki was cut off quickly.

"Not a dream, he said his mind was summoned elsewhere," Sarada said, frowning. "The Otsutsuki he met—"

"You never mentioned he met an Otsutsuki!" Shikadai's eyes widened in surprise. "Are you telling me he took advice from the Otsutsuki!?"

"It seems like that," Mitsuki said, observing Sarada.

They were sitting on the edge of her bed. Mitsuki and Shikadai had gone to his house right after Boruto had left for some reason, and when they found out he had come here the last, they had skipped over to her house. And now, here she was, clearing their doubts in place of Boruto.

She leaned back in her chair, tired. And, seriously, she couldn't get the sensation of his cheeks against her lips out of her mind. He'd looked so cute and goofy after that. Shikadai and Mitsuki raised their eyebrows at Sarada's sudden smile.

"I'm sorry" she sighed, "he also said he would be returning after a month"

Mitsuki stared at her for almost a minute before asking, "you're okay with that?" Shikadai smirked at her.

"w-what?" she scowled at the both of them, trying to hide the creeping blush with her stern look. "I feel just like you guys do, why are you asking me!?"

"I'm sure something happened before he left" Shikadai guessed, pulling on a cruel face. "Something you don't want to tell us"

"Nothing like, that I assure you" she looked away for a second, "by the way. I was wondering what happened to Vilson"

Shikadai shrugged, "he left the day before yesterday, he said he wanted to see you again someday" he rolled his eyes as Mitsuki smiled.

"I would have liked to see him off" she muttered. Vilson had become way friendlier and cool after Boruto's incident, and she appreciated that.

"Oh?" Shikadai and Mitsuki glanced at each other before coughing and standing up. "we'll have to leave now since—" his voice faltered suddenly as his eyes narrowed. Her lamp began vibrating.

Sarada dashed to her window and flung back the curtains, her gaze drawn to the distance where smoke was billowing an explosion...? Another ball-like substance fell from the sky and bombed a nearby location. "What's going on?" Sarada hurriedly opened the shutters and jumped out of her room, followed by the two boys.

"Is it possible there's an invasion?" Mitsuki asked, his snakes dropping quickly and forming a clone that ran in the other direction.

"It's possible," Shikadai scowled, deep in thought. Sarada saw Lord Seventh moving across but towards the same target.

After the mist had subsided, they saw a figure sitting on top of the crash. "Well, well, it's truly a pleasure I have so many people here to watch me even without me having sent an invitation" a handsome auburn-haired guy smirked at them. He had large purple eyes and a grey band like a studded belt that covered part of his scalp and face, crossing from above his right eye to under his left eye. He also had the Roman numeral "Ⅵ" tattooed under his right eye.

"Are you, by any chance, Code from Kara?" Lord Seventh spoke, frowning at the intruder.

Code directed his attention to Hokage-sama, "dear, even the strongest Kage is here, I feel flattered now." he mocked. "I am also pleased you've heard about me"

"So, it's you then," Hokage-sama looked at an ANBU black ops standing beside him and sent a silent signal.

Four of the cat-masked shinobi around Code acted suddenly, making hand seals in sync and hitting the roof of the building they were each on with their palms, "FOUR VIOLET FLAMES FORMATION!" they shouted; making purple rays of a barrier fly upward in a square.

Sarada, Mitsuki, and Shikadai were luckily inside, good thing... because this guy sure was a threat, according to Kawaki's information at least.

"Relax," Code sighed, "I'm not here to fight. You'll have to wait for that to come. But I'm here to reveal something interesting to you all. Ever heard of a Cyborg vs Shinobi war?"

"No" their Hokage responded, "there will be no war, not anymore. We'll deal with you now" he closed his eyes and opened them, snapping into his perfect toad sage mode.

"Sadly, I have to take my leave" Code waved at them, "and just so you know, I'm not the one initiating this war, it's your dear son" he laughed before standing up and speeding toward the walls of the barrier, to his death. But as soon as his body touched it, the whole Jutsu shattered, and the four Jutsu initiators stumbled. How powerful was he!?

Sarada knew there had been a war before her birth, a war that had destroyed many. But she didn't see how they could prevent this one from happening.

All the Jounin, Chunin, and everyone in that area watched their Lord Seventh, waiting for him to open. "All shinobi in the Hokage Building, immediately"


~Quantity doesn't signify importance~ I came up with that, hehe... so it's gonna be, by Zsabertooth.

It's also gonna be my excuse every time I publish a small chapter.

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