CHAPTER 18: The Chunin exams.

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Sarada was taken aback; what she had thought about was the dinner being uncomfortable and all, but it couldn't have been more relaxed. Her dad, in particular, as she had known him to be the awkward sort. Didn't she already have a lot to learn about him?

"Help yourselves, everyone, and you! Boruto!" her mother glowered at him, "you are going to eat under my watch. I heard you puked at home the last time you came over for dinner! You know how horrible that makes my cooking seem?" She whimpered. Her father smiled as he ate, a rare sight for the others. Sarada had a sneaking feeling that her father had vomited after consuming her mother's cooking as well... she didn't know why they did that... It's not that it was bad; in fact, it was very tasty; it was just some people and their digestive systems...

"Aaaah? What a lie, dattebasa! I've never vomited like that before! I had to use the restroom because I was overburdened!" Boruto shot back. "Besides, Sakura-Obaachan, you made shrimp and tomato soup the last time I was here for dinner! It was very tasty dattebasa!"

"Are you sure?" "Here then, have some more!" her mother exclaimed, her eyes brightening at being complimented on her food.

Boruto gulped, before glancing at Mitsuki's plate (which was almost empty) and transferring some of the fish and vegetables from his plate to his pale friend's. "Here Mitsuki, have some of this, it's very delicious!"

"Boruto!?" Mitsuki quickly took the fish and placed it on Sarada's plate, "it will help you recover Sarada" he excused. What a cunning snake he was, who knew Mitsuki could do this stuff?

Well, Sarada would have eaten it, but she was close to full already, so she passed it to her father, who in no time returned it to her, "as much as I would love to eat it, youngsters like you three should grow"

All four of them abruptly stopped tossing the fish around when her mother stood up and grinned at them, "I see a lot of demand for my fish, Channaro, you can all have some more!" The three of them gulped, including her father. That was scary...

"Mhm, I really overdid it this time," Boruto said, picking up the plates and going to help her mother wash them. Sarada noticed how innocently sweet he could be at times; this was an instance.

"So, what was your purpose for staying to eat dinner today, Boruto?" Her father asked, not missing their intentions.

Before Boruto could reply, her mother spoke, "purpose for staying to eat dinner? He obviously stayed because of the food! Damn it, even you Sasuke-Kun..." her shoulders dropped.

A visible sweat dropped by her father's forehead, "oh-uh, that's not what I—"

"We stayed to get permission to take Sarada to the Chunin exams tomorrow dattebasa," Boruto said. Her father stared at him calculatingly, she would have been freaked out if she were Boruto, but he just stared back, fearless, he probably got used to it during their years together.

"I see, I can take her there myself—"

"Sasuke-Kun! Sarada needs at least one more week to recover!" Her mom interrupted, stepping into the conversation.

"I know, but if she really wants to go... I will take her tomorrow Sakura, don't worry" her father said.

Her mom sighed defeatedly. "Alright then— anyone up for drinks?"


Her mother assisted her in putting on a dress, and her father supported her in gently walking out of the house the next day. She had never seen herself in this situation, but here she was, unable to move without help.

"You look amazing in the sunshine, peanut," her father said, and she felt her cheeks softly burn. She wasn't used to her father complimenting her. She liked it and every time he did it, she felt so proud of herself.

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