CHAPTER 41: Shutting an emotion.

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Boruto'd made a list of to-do things in his mind before planning the escape. The first one was crossed out now, which was visiting Iwabe, Namida and Wasabi's graves. And he was breaking into the Hyuga clan to fulfil his second.

He took slow steps toward the secretary halls, where all the scrolls of techniques used and taught by all Hyuga members were stored. The place was creepily silent, and dark, which was unusual. Boruto's Jōgan was frequently moving, searching for Hanabi and his grandfather's presence.

"Who's there?" Boruto's Jōgan widened and his arm automatically moved to block something in the air. And before he could see the person his hand turned in a gentle fist position to counter another palm in the air.

"You never learn some things, do you Boruto? Breaking into the Hyuga's house is no genius move, even if you have the Hyuga blood. What are you here for?" The strict voice was forced in big sis Hanabi's voice, and Boruto could tell because she never used that tone with him. Two of her students had passed away, maybe that was why...

Boruto sighed, lowering his defence. "Hanabi-neechan—"

"What are you doing here Boruto?" She asked, frowning. There was not an ounce of emotion in her grey eyes, it hurt Boruto to see her like that. "You should be—"

"Yes, yes, I know!" Boruto stomped at the ground angrily, why did everyone treat him like he deserved it, and he was supposed to be bound, even his own family member... "But I'm on a different path now! I'm leaving the village, and I have to before sunrise!"

Hanabi's stern expression fled and her eyes widened, "Boruto! You can't leave the village! There are—"

"There are no other ways," Boruto said, his face clouding of expression. He turned toward his destination and took a step forward. "This is the only way I can protect our village and this Shinobi world; I wish there was an alternative path too"

Hanabi stopped him from behind, by catching his shoulder. "Don't mind the villagers! They're always like that! But remember you have a family Boruto! You have people who love you! You shouldn't be blaming yourself for their deaths!"

"I know dattebasa" Boruto closed his eyes. "That's why I'm doing this. And—please, I want this conversation to stay between us" he turned to face Hanabi and stared at her grey eyes, waiting for confirmation.

Knowing it would be hard for her, as she was one of the top Jounin in the village and was very loyal to the Hokage, Boruto waited. And after about three minutes, she nodded slowly. "I know I can't convince you not to, so I'm not going to try" she took a deep breath before continuing, "I know what you're looking for"

Boruto raised an eyebrow, "and?"

"I have them"

"Hanabi-neechan, I really need them in order to become stronger, please—" Boruto stretched his hand out, "give them to me, uncle Neji's and Mom's technique scrolls"

Hanabi considered his words for a moment, "these are confidential, you know that, don't you?"

"I do" Boruto breathed out, "tell Ojīchan I stole them—"

"He would get the wrong idea—" 

"Big sis, you do realize the whole village, my parents and every ninja beside you and ones who know are going to get the wrong idea, don't you?" Boruto gulped all the sadness welling up down his throat. "They'll realize when the time approaches, I can carry the hatred until then"

"Boruto..." his aunt covered her mouth in pity and a tear slipped down her eye, "I'm so sorry dear" she grabbed his body and pulled him into another one of her overwhelming and warm hugs.

The Chronicles of BorutoOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora