24. catching up

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"Well. We have a lot of catching up to do then, don't we?" 


You were now sat at a table at a coffee shop, Quinton and Paisley across from you. Quinton clears his throat, the silence tense and awkward.

"I haven't seen you in awhile y/n ... " Quinton starts, as you nod your head. Paisley stands up suddenly, grabbing her purse.

"Aunt Paisley, where are you going?" Quinton asks as you both look up at her confused. 

"I've got some errands to run, and I think you both need some time alone to talk. But, there is a fancy restaurant I've been wanting to go to. Both of you meet me there at 6, K? I'll send you the address. Quinton, bring y/n to buy a nice dress." Paisley says, winks, then she was gone. 

You and Quinton sat in silence for a moment, you sighed, remembering one thing that your mother taught you before she died. 'Never hold grudges, they hold you back from the life you will want experience. It's okay to feel hurt, but it is also okay to move on. Always move on, better will come'. You sighed, knowing it was time to move on. You cannot forgive easily, but maybe you could take time to spend with Quinton, become friends again. And then maybe, just maybe, you'll be able to forgive. 

"Where have you been?" You ask, taking a sip of your coffee. Quinton looks up at you, his brown eyes, that you used to melt for, meeting yours. 

"Well, you know, once you flew back to LA, I went home. I told my mom and she was disappointed and angry at me. I was so pissed at myself, I locked myself in my room and I don't even remember too much then for the next weeks. My parents didn't really speak with me, I had to figure out my shit first before going to them. But then I saw a video from the paparazzi, of you and uh Blake. So I flew out, and saw you. My heart broke, I mean it was broken before, but it just completely shattered after seeing you with him. But that's not fair. I deserved to feel that way, after cheating on you. So I flew back home, packed, and went to visit my grandmother. She lives about an hour away from home. I stayed with her, and she taught me stuff and helped me grow and change. Paisley reached out to me asking how I was, I haven't seen her in so long, so I decided to come visit her. And here we are now." Quinton finished, looking out the window where it had just begun to rain. I nodded.

"You said that your grandmother helped you grow and change... how?" 

"She was disappointed in me, but she also knew that I was so deeply in love with you, she knew I messed up but didn't mean to. I didn't want to ruin our relationship, but I did. So, for a few weeks we would talk, she told me about her and my grandfather. He passed away a few years ago, anyways, he cheated on her near the beginning of the relationship. She told me how you felt, and the pain you went through. I cannot explain how much it hit me, that I caused you that same pain. I took time to think, we went one hikes a lot. She told me that I must find myself, notice the pain I've caused, and change, before I come back to you. So I did that. I found myself. I realized that I need to grow up, love isn't what I thought it was. It's not just to through around, and take for granted. I took you for granted, not realizing how deep my love was for you. Not realizing or believing that I could lose you, but I did and I forced myself to change," he finished. Wow. Your mind was racing with so many thoughts... but maybe he could've changed. He had this new aroma around him, this natural glow. It could be that he has found himself, changed. You smile, genially smile. 

"I'm so very happy you have found yourself, Q. Most people make mistakes and not learn from them. But... I think that you've truly changed. And you know, I can't fully forgive you yet. I'm still hurt. But I'm hoping we can talk more, become friends." You tell him, and a smile makes his way onto his face as well. 

"I'd like that a lot, y/n. So... you're uh pregnant? How's it going with Blake? Is he here too?" Now it was Quintons time for questions. 

"Yes, four months. I'm having a boy, I'm going to name him Brady" Quinton watched as you smiled brightly. He missed your smile, but he was glad you were finally happy, even if it means you're not with him. It was his fault anyways. 

"And for Blake, um that ended. When I found out I was pregnant, Josh kicked me out. And Blake ended things, not ready to be a dad and not wanted to do anything with the baby. So, I drove around for awhile. Randomly ended here, and luckily Paisley took me in. She's been a huge help."

"I'm really sorry. I'm sure Josh was just upset, he probably didn't mean it. It will work out in the future. And Blake is just ... I don't know. I'm sorry you've had to go through this without him" Quinton says, grabbing your hand and squeezing it slightly. He took back his hand though after, not wanting to cross boundaries. 

"No, it's okay. It's my fault. I never should've done anything with him. I wanted to make you jealous, I used him. That was so wrong, I didn't even have any feelings towards him. I thought I did, I truly did, but I've realized I was just trying to move on from you, and used him for that. It just sucks that Brady will grow up without a dad." You say, frowning slightly. Quinton nods. 

You both sit there in silence for a few minutes, both of you sipping your drinks. It wasn't awkward, if anything it was pleasant. You were glad you two could talk it over, and this was a great path for you guys in order to move on from the pain. 

Quinton looked over at you, smiling when he noticed that you had gotten some of the whipped coffee on top of your lip. He leaned forward and extended his arm towards you. You slowly turn towards him, and with his thumb he brushes the top of your lip, getting the coffee off for you. You blush and look down slightly. He chuckles, then becomes serious.

"I really am sorry, y/n. For the past months I've been thinking, and learning from my mistake of losing you. Losing you was the worst thing that has ever happened to me. I don't even know why I would think to kiss her, why I would do that knowing the pain it would cause you. I really am truly sorry, and I know those words don't mean shit. But I'm going to make it up to you. I would like to be your friend, and be there for you and Brady, if you let me," Quinton says softly and you could tell he was truthful. You reach forward and grab his hands in yours.

"I know, Quinton. I'm ready to put that in the past and start over. I can't forgive you yet, but I will in the future," you tell him. He squeezes your hands.

"Thank you," he whispers. You nod. 

You then get a text from Paisley, she had sent you the address of the fancy restaurant. You look up at your once love, and smirk.

"Let's go shopping, shall we?" He laughs and smiles, nodding at you.

Maybe this would be good, you both took time apart and that was for the best. Could you both fall in love again? Maybe. We'll have to see, but for now to be back together, even just as friends, was good enough for the both of them. 


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