11. cheater?

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"No, no, no. It's fine. Really. There like little love bites. I just don't like fighting with Josh..."

"Love bites, I like that" 


Nothing had really happened in Texas the next week. Sure, Josh didn't talk to you that much, as he was still upset with the situation, but you didn't care. Today was one of the last days in Texas but you weren't feeling good. Everyone was hanging outside with fans, while you laid in bed. You groan and opened TikTok for the hundredth time today. The first video on your screen was about the sway boys so you decided to watch. It happened to be a fans account, and she was one of the fans that was allowed in the yard with the boys. All the boys showed up then there was a part with Quinton. To say your were shocked was a understatement. You were angry, mad, upset. The girl had a thigh over Quitnon's leg, and he had a hand on her thigh. Not watching any more of it, you threw the phone down. You tore off his hoodie and quickly threw on some phones. You grabbed your phone and paused on the part with Quinton.

You rushed out of the room. Josh was standing off to the side with people and with one look he could tell you were pissed. He walks towards your frantic running figure and placed his arms on your shoulder.

"Woah, woah, woah. I thought you weren't feeling good!" He says. You glare but let tears fall.

"I'm not, but it looks as my boyfriend is having a fun time, maybe a little to fun for his girlfriends liking!" You yell, pushing Josh away, but he grabs hold of you.

"Ok calm down, I haven't seen Quinton in a while, what's wrong? What did he do?" Josh asks, trying to calm you down at the same time. You frantically grab your phone and show him the paused TikTok. Josh instantly gets angry. You push past Josh, but he follows you, wanting to hurt Quinton for what he did. You walk outside finding Quinton standing with Jaden. Jaden sees you and Josh, his face getting pale at how angry you are. Quinton notices this and turns around, instantly smile when seeing you. His smile fades as he notices how angry you are, and the tears that are spilling over your eyes. He moves closer to you, attempting to hold you but Josh pushes him back.

"What's wrong?" He asks, his eyes going back and forth between you and Josh. You step closer to him and shove your phone in his hand.

"What's wrong? Your asking me what's wrong!" You yell. Quinton looks down at the phone, then back up to you.

"No, you got this all wrong. She put herself on me! I pushed her off saying that I had a girlfriend, you!" He yells.

"Yeah well you got that wrong, because you don't have a girlfriend!" You yell. Quintons face falls and he tries to grab hold of you. He holds you to his chest. You try to escape but you can't because of how strong he is. You cry and continue punching his chest.

"Let me go, Quinton! Let me go! I hate you! I hate you!" You yell, sobbing. He finally stops you by grabbing your wrist and pulling them down to his sides, where you can't hit him.

"Babe, I didn't cheat. I didn't do anything. You need to trust me. She placed herself on me. I didn't know what was happening. In the video, my hand was on her thigh. Ok. It was placed there because I was pushing her away, the fans didn't get that on video, of course. Ask Jaden! Or Bryce! They were there!" He says, pleading you to forgive him. You look over at Jaden and Bryce and they both nod. You look back and stare into Quinton's eyes. His eyes scan yours, not sure if your going to forgive him or not.

"I'm sorry," you say, leaning your head on his chest.

"No, it was my fault. I never should have even let her sit beside me. I should've known they were gonna do something like that," he says, placing kisses on the top of your head. You look up and kiss him fully on the lips. He kisses you back passionately. You pull away giggling.

"What?" He asks, pulling you closer to him again.

"I may or may not be sick, and I may or may not just kissed you which means you may or may not become sick too," you mumble into his chest. He chuckles and moves you to sit down on a chair with him. As he holds you onto his lap he whispers,

"I don't care. As long as I have you in my arms, everything is ok".


Hey guys! Sorry I haven't really been able to update. I only have two more weeks of school then I'll be able to write more. Thank you for 3.4k reads!!! <3

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