17. broken hearts

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Some of your tears smudged the ink but you didn't care. You needed him to know you were done with him.

Grabbing your bags, you made your way to the Uber outside, mascara running down your cheeks, and your heart broken.


Finding Quinton cheating on you was the worst feeling in the world. It felt like someone ripped out your soul and repeatedly crushed it till nothing was left. 

You felt dumb. No feelings could be felt. You couldn't feel anything towards Quinton, yourself, Josh. No one. You didn't know how to feel at all.But you knew one thing.

Quinton broke your heart and he could not fix it.

Your heart was shattered into multiple pieces. Never would those pieces be put together again. Or so you thought.


It's been two weeks since you flew back to LA. Two weeks since Quinton cheated on you.
Last week you tweeted:

"Taking a break, love you all <3" before throwing your phone across the room, it smashing. 

Everyone was asking "what happened to y/n and Quinton?" "why did y/n unfollow Quinton" "did they break up??" and so on. You were sick and tired of it. All you wanted to do was curl up in a blanket and sleep forever. You blocked and unfollowed Quinton on everything. He had no way to contact you and you didn't care. 

Josh was very worried about you. All you did was sleep. You haven't eaten or anything. Most of the sway boys were upset with Quinton, Josh especially. Josh unfollowed him on all platforms. Who knew where Quinton was, if he felt guilty, or if he was still with that random girl. Nobody knew, and really, nobody cared. 

Josh would come into your room multiple times a day trying to get you to eat or do something. It wasn't working. The sway boys were all worried about you. Especially some special sway boy named Blake Gray. 

Today Blake decided to try and get you out of the house. None of the boys believed he could do it, but he thought he could.


Hearing a knock on your door, you groaned, not wanting to see Josh anymore. The door opened and you didn't even look up. 

"Please go away Josh" you whispered. 

"It's not Josh" the person said. You turned around to see Blake. Blake was always nice to you so it was comforting to see him.

"oh hi Blake" you said turning to face the wall again. Blake sat next to your laying form. 

"Quinton's a dick, huh?" He said. It wasn't the best thing he should've said but it made you laugh. You sat up and wiped your eyes. Laughing and crying, it was your specialty. 

"Come here" Blake said, opening his arms for you. You sighed and moved into his arms. Blake held you tightly as you cried. 

"He doesn't deserve you, y/n. I know it hurts, trust me i do. But you can't let him know he hurt you. You need to go out there and show him you don't need him. Even if you do. He hurt you," Blake said. You take in his words. Blake was right. Quinton hurt you. You shouldn't be in bed crying over him, you should be showing him what he lost.

"You're right. Let's go out in public," you say, looking up at Blake. He smiles. 

"We will leave in ten," Blake says before leaving your room.


After making yourself look somewhat presentable you leave your room. As you walk into the living room all of the boys eyes are on you. Josh makes his way over to you and hugs you. 

"You good?" he asks once he pulls away. You nod.

"He hurt me. I have to show him i'm not affected and i'm fine without him" you say confidently. All the boys cheer you on. 

"Let's go then," Blake says. You nod and then say bye to everyone.


Blake and you decided to go out for lunch. The whole time Blake made you laugh. He took your mind off of Quinton. You had a really awesome time. 

Your awesome time was broken when you left the restaurant. "Paparazzi" was there. A bunch of men with cameras faced you and Blake. At first you both tried to ignore them but they kept following you. 

You started to feel overwhelmed as you've never seen this many paparazzi around you. You instantly grab onto Blake, wrapping your arms around his right forearm. 

"Blake" you whisper. He stops and turns to you. You look up at him nervously. He could tell you wanted to leave. He nods and try's to walk but the Paparazzi were right in front of us. 

"Are you two now dating?" "What happened with Quinton?" So many more questions. 

"Please let us through," Blake pleaded as you held onto his arm tighter. You've never been through this before. Then an idea hit you.

To really show Quinton you were over him you had to make him jealous. And what perfect way then to tell the paparazzi you were seeing Blake and broke up with Quinton after he cheated on you. 

At the perfect moment you leaned up and whispered your plan into Blake's ear. He nodded and smirked, liking your idea. He then intertwined your fingers together. 

"Let my girlfriend and I pass" Blake said. 

"Girlfriend? Y/n, I thought you were with Quinton?" One of the guys asked.

"I was, but he cheated on me. I was lucky enough to have Blake by my side when my heart was broken," you tell them, then looked up at Blake adoringly. 

Finally Blake and you pushed your way through the crowds and made it to the car. When you got in you both laughed.

"We just got ourselves into a big mess, y/n" Blake says laughing at you. 

"Yes we did" you say laughing back.


The rest of your night was filled with happiness. Blake really helped you start to heal. You were still heart broken, but you were started to heal slowly and get over it. Blake was there to help you. He mended your broken heart. And over time, you started to feel something new and better.


ok i need your help. should we date blake for real for a little and then get back with quinton?? bc i can't really just change this fanfic to a blake gray imagine lmao

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