21. no, i can't be

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Everything was good. You were good.
Or so you thought


For the next week everything was perfect. You always felt a weird gut feeling when with Blake but you ignored it after awhile. 

Today though was not the best day. As soon as you woke up you ran to the bathroom feeling throw up creep up your throat. 

As soon as you made it to the bathroom you sunk to the floor and threw up your guts. After a minute you heard Blake tiredly walk into the bathroom.

"You, okay, babe?" He asks as he pulls the hair away from your face and rubs your back comforting. You shake your head and throw up again. 

"It's okay, let it all out," Blake soothes as you throw up yet again.

After a few more minutes you didn't think you were going to throw up again so you stood up. Blake kept a arm around your waist, keeping you sturdy.

"Do you think you were food poisoned or something?" He asks.

"I don't know. I've never thrown up in my life, so maybe," you say before going to brush your teeth. 

You then make your way back to the bed and get in, cuddling the blankets. Blake gets in beside you and wraps his arms around you.

"I think you should sleep, you could be getting sick," Blake says and you nod. He wraps his arms more protectively around you as you place your head on his chest. 


For the next two weeks you kept throwing up every morning. In the afternoon you were fine but in the morning it was horrible. Josh started to get worried about you and decided he wanted to bring you to the doctors.

"I really think we should go to the doctors, y/n," Josh says as him and Blake stand behind you as you puke. You shake your head. 

"I'm fine," you mutter. The truth is, you weren't. Deep down you knew this wasn't just a normal sickness. This was morning sickness. You've also have missed your period. The only thing that you could be is pregnant. You threw up just thinking about this. How would Josh feel? More importantly, how about Blake? Would he leave you?

"Y/n, i'm taking you to the doctors whether you like it or not," Josh says. You groan and throw up again.

"I'm sorry but I have to go to my meeting," Blake says. He kisses your head then leaves. 

"Josh..." you mutter, looking up at him guilty. You hoped he didn't know you were pregnant. 

"C'mon, let's go," he says, helping you up.


You finally made it to the doctors and anxiety started to form in your chest. Josh took your hand in his.

"Everything will be okay, n/n," he says. You nod. 

As your sitting in the waiting room your name is finally called. You stand up shakily and Josh holds your hand, calming you down.

"Y/n Richards?" The doctor asks and you nod. 

"Right this way" she says and you follow her into a room. The room smelt like the signature doctor office scent. You sat down nervously on the bench, as Josh sat down in a chair, still holding your hand. The doctors ran multiple tests, and then finally left, telling you that you would be getting your results soon.

The time you waited for the results were horrible. You were dreading whenever the doctor would
come because you had already knew what was wrong with you. You already knew that you were pregnant.


There was a knock on the door before the doctor came in. 

"Alright Y/n, I've gotten your results and this might be a shocker to you..." the doctor says. You look over at Josh and he is looking at you confused.

"You are pregnant" she finally said. Josh took his hand away from yours and stood up, talking to you but you couldn't hear anything. Now hearing it was true, that you truly were pregnant, your heart dropped. Josh was still yelling at you, the nurse trying to calm him down, while you sat there silent, tears streaming down your face. 

"Care to explain, Y/n?" You finally listen to Josh. You look up at him, seeing him tugging his hair and swearing under his breath. 

"No, I can't be pregnant. I'm not!" You try to argue with the doctor, but the results say other wise. 

"It's true. You are one month pregnant," she says and Josh slams his fist against the wall.

"Let's go" Josh says, leaving the room. The doctor looks at you sympathetically. 

"I'm sorry. Thank you" you whisper before leaving the room after Josh, your eyes on the ground.


You were pregnant with Blake's kid. A little human being was growing inside you. And for the first time today, you started to feel a little happy. 


sorry for my long break, new update coming again soon! how do you feel about y/n being pregnant?
vote if you liked it! ;)

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