[46] The Southerners Have Arrived-I

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Sleep was miles away. It had to, knowing my sisters were just few steps away.

Eva had signed the words.

Alpha is coming.

Did that truly mean that the southerners had actually arrived here? I couldn't believe it. Was Pete really crossing the border?

But how? When?

The imaginations in my mind were running wild.

After all, I had seen Lysar taking Keira away just like that. Eva had went away with a man too.

I felt anxious.

I had wasted enough time by laying on the bed, pretending to be trying to fall asleep. So, Karam won't be suspicious.

Tonight, I actually realized how he would make sure we were sleeping before falling asleep himself.

I could never lie to him successfully. Thus, I really closed my eyes and didn't open them until I felt my eyelids started getting heavy.

But my senses were awake and so was my fear of the unknown.

This was huge. Those signs, those faces of my sisters— I wasn't hallucinating. It was all real. They were here for real. I couldn't understand. How? Did they shake hands with the Mystics to enter the territory? If they did, then how did they come to know about this huge secret. Moreover, how would they return back to the border?

What if they got caught?


My eyes squeezed shut at the thought. I opened them and looked around in the dark. Focusing hard and because of the faint moonlight coming through the window, I managed to observe Karam's back facing me and Keev.

The pup was deep in slumber, open-mouthed and fingers curled, snuggled into the fur and trying to get under his father's back.

Karam's breathing was uniform and relaxed. His hair were spread all over the pillow while big shoulders were blocking all of my view of the cupboard stuck to the wall on the left of the bed.

This was the moment.

I took advantage of not wearing a single jewelry to the bed and removed my hand from Keev's little chubby waist.

Slowly, sliding away from the bed, I put my toes on the cold floor carefully. Biting my lip, I didn't even breathe to make any possible noise.

There was no time to take the cloak to save myself from the mountain freeze. Thus, I took a hand full of the skirt and brought it up to clear my path. Reaching the door, I took a moment to collect the courage.

The targets were clear in my mind.

I had to reach my sisters before the males could touch them. Eventually, it would lead me to knowing what was actually happening. Even though, I knew that something big was definitely coming up.

Leo didn't think about his life for even a second to stop Pete from crossing the border. Why would he take such decision? It couldn't be to save me only. Could it? Otherwise, why would he throw me like that the fourth night?

My heart shook a little. I couldn't expect the world on just some assumptions. Things never went my way.

Clutching the big iron needle, I pulled it out slowly from the loop. From my peripheral vision, I could see nothing in the dark.

Both father-son were warm in the blanket. I sent a quick prayer to the God to not let Karam wake up any soon. He would read my face so easily.

Because I knew that I won't be able to hold myself after meeting my sisters.

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