[61] In His Mind

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I try to get a glimpse of her face.

But she roams from houses to houses. It is hard to look at the crowd at the dawn and recognise her by scent mixed with hundreds of others and smell of their sweats.

Still healing from the burns, I cannot just sit and wait for the Ceremony night. I want to see her already, observe her and know about her.

There have been very less chances when she nearly came to the border.

One time, when she was scared in the jungle. I couldn't feel her wolf alive inside her. It affects my heart a little. What if she too has felt the pain of longing and it killed her wolf? What if this is why she has returned to be with me?

Her brothers and father arrived in their beast forms after her sister had scared her. My mate had fainted at the sight of a wolf. It was unusual for a wolf pup to be this scared of jungle and of its wolves.

Another time, her scent lingers around the border coincidentally. Hidden behind the thick wall of trees, because the border's heat felt stronger now that I was still healing, she couldn't even feel my presence.

For once, I saw the Alpha looking straight at where I was hidden. At the group of the trees, as if he knows I come here or if he had seen me that day.

King asks us to keep ourselves hidden for the intimidation. But I am not afraid to show up to her father if it will come to that.

These days are restless. Without her. Without seeing Keev.

I spend one day here. Another at the mountains. Lucine asks me to heal first. King makes faces at seeing me getting up at dawn to reach here as early as I can.

But I want to see my mate and this full moon seems like the perfect time.

I was only looking around the pack, far at a distance, enjoying the solitude as even other Lycan males were not here tonight. The full moon is riskier for them. But I didn't have to be mad anymore. The burns have humbled me. My scars remind me of my patience of ten years.

So, I keep my heart calm and observe the happenings.

Their young pups are wild tonight. The painful growls make me worry about my mate too. If she will know my presence and try to recognise my scent, the night will be easier. We can heal each other, I feel.

But she doesn't come. She is either sleeping peacefully because of a lack of a wolf or somewhere locked in chains.

But the greed to get a mere glimpse of her has made me restless and courageous. I haven't seen her face properly for once. She isn't aware of our soon-to-be bond in any way.

So, I think of what happened two days ago. Her brother, the future Alpha called out her name during the fights. There were many females and one of them walked towards him. Her back was facing the jungle. But I knew it was her. The scent was rich among the gusts of wind.

I remember walking back home while dancing and swaying around through the jungles. My world has brightened since the moment I whispered out her name for the first time.

"Misty," I say while looking around the pack on this full moon night.

Alpha Rucus watches me keenly from his place.

After finding her after ten years of wait and still being apart by the border, her name makes so much sense. She is close yet so far. She is mine yet I am not hers for the time being.

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