[14] Whiner

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Eyes opened the moment I heard the sparrows chirping.

But all I could see the white cloth against my face.

Slowly, the whole of body awakened and twitched at places. I realized how my legs were locked, one hand of mine was against my chest while another was around the thick torso.

I pulled my face back slightly to feel the chest heaving up slowly.

I blinked and looked up at the scene only to raise my eyebrows at the unexpected scene. Usually, he would already be awake and doing the routines. But today, he was still deep in sleep.

His hair were spread over the pillows, seemed silky and dry as if he had washed them last night. He did come and changed clothes directly.

That sharp nose was glowing unlike his blushed forehead and cheeks. Observing from close, I could see his full and pink lips with that parted mouth.

He looked quite like a saint, sleeping so innocently.

A smirk curved my lips at the thought of secretly cutting his beard now.

Raising myself slightly on my elbow, I looked around the room. The light of the early dawn was starting to show up things. My lips puckered at not remembering if I had seen any kind of knife or scissor around here. A knife could be found for sure. But where was it?

We like it. I want to grow longer than brother Kingston and Robin.

I blinked, looking back at his face.

My hairy hand? The hair of this caveman might scratch your skin.

He loved his beard and hair. It suited him, though. But then. . .

I gulped hard while moving my eyes off his lips. Just look at that untrimmed moustache.

I squinted my eyes in thought.

I could imagine him giving me death threats if I even did a little prank about shaving his beard off. Death threats? He would kill me.

Seemed like this beard was his first love.

He cared about it since I could notice the healthy silky hair.

I remembered how Gilbert's stubble was so rough and thick, mostly untrimmed. Mom would waste no chances of stealing french kisses from him.

Cringe filled me hard when I remembered the scene from their bedroom. God, what a crazy morning it was.

I sighed slowly, shifting away from Karam slowly. But just as I did, he tightened his arm around my waist, making me bump in his chest immediately.

His chest rumbled in sleep, tightening our entangled legs more. While I gasped in fright.

"Karam, you are going to crush me like a tomato. Let me go." I shrieked in a whisper, forcing my arms against his chest to stop him from pushing me against him. "What the fuck!"

He moaned in sleep and his hand roamed against by back, almost reaching inside my top. "Sleep," he mumbled in his rough sleepy voice.

"Karam. It's morning. Get your hands off me!" I said while grabbing his big hand and trying to pull it back to him, to get myself free.

When he didn't wake up, I thought about pulling his strand hard. But no. That would be mean and disrespectful.

I bit my lip while thinking of something as now, I was almost being squeezed in his big muscular arms.

"Karam, wake up." I said, sighing at not being able to think of a way to wake him up. Last night, he seemed sad and upset with me. I didn't want to worsen it. So, the only way left was to pat his beared cheek and shake. "Karam. Let me go."

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