[30] The Temple Tales I : The Arrival

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"Keep it in your pocket."

I did. Gulping hard, I stared up in his eyes when we had reached the beginning of the plain stone path.

"Offer it to her when they start the worshipping tonight," said Karam in his deep voice while giving me a warm look.

I nodded and took a long breathe. "I don't want to leave you here," I whispered while feeling my heart shrinking in nervousness.

He breathed softly. "I cannot come along from here, my mate. Some rules are to be followed for the respect of the ones who made it. Even though, they seem merciless and unnecessary." He said while fisting his hands on his sides and giving me a small smile. "Don't bathe in the cold water. Tomorrow might be a rainy day. Don't get drenched."

I nodded while lowering my eyes.

"Sleep under the furs. You are tired, the sleep will come easy. But if you keep thinking about the place, you will only get disturbed. When nothing works, pray to the Moon Goddess and close your eyes." He whispered while I looked back in his eyes.

"Would you go back to the cottage?" I whispered quietly.

He nodded while glancing at the temple from above my shoulder. "I will. Don't worry about me," he said with a determined look. "Eat properly and even ask for the hot milk to gain some strength. They have cows up there. Don't touch anything without the permission."

I breathed heavily.

His lips parted. "What's wrong?"

I sighed in nervousness and shook my head. Something was curling up in my chest. My heart wasn't ready to be away from him. All this time, we were together. He brought me here. He helped me. Now when I was observing his eyes. They held care and worry. They held the longing already.

"Thank you for everything," I whispered while gulping slowly. "Not everything. Not the early threatening behavior, the drinks and the women. . ."

He smiled tightly.

I blinked in awkwardness. "Everything except those moments. For bringing me here and for being with me. For suffering my tantrums."

"You are what I have been made for, my mate. I enjoyed it all." He said while sucking in a heavy breathe. "I cannot touch you. Or I would have turned you around by holding your shoulders by now. It's time. You must leave. When you return, I will be here only." His eyes showed helplessness while he smiled tightly. "My mate must go now."

I raised myself on the toes and grabbed his forearm.

His face turned blank. "It's the temple of virgins. They won't accept you. Don't touch me. . ." He mumbled hurriedly while not moving an inch.

My nostrils flared in terror as I shook my head. He was stunned when I said, "Some rules have target followers. I might be a virgin but I am married," I whispered while cupping his bearded cheek. "To you, Karam. We are not going to have a dry good bye."

"This is not how you rebel," he said warningly while giving me the look that I was doing a mistake. "You do it for the good cause, my mate."

"This is the good cause, my mate." I said angrily in a calm tone while giving him the dead look. "To thank you and let you know that I don't hate you enough to ignore all your goodness. If they are going to have a problem, they will let me bathe again inside." I said and pressed my lips against his.

He was shocked for a moment. But then, just as I moved my lips, he reciprocated and palmed my back. He smiled in between the kiss and slowly, we pulled away.

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