[16] The Mate Bond

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"Stay focused."

The footsteps on the muddy path were fast as I glanced above to observe the evening sky turning darker.

"Love your mate. But love your ambitions more."

I gulped, covering my head with the hood, feeling gazes over me.

"They can hear you. They can sense the emotions in you. Manage to fool them, Misty."

I breathed hard, trying to calm my beating heart as I crossed the intersection of the streets.

"The Alpha family is good as long as you obey them. The worst of them is Anton. Beware of his eyes and ears. The hidden ears of their family is Kenny. Beware of her presence. Robin isn't as friendly as he shows up to be."

Walking hurriedly, I kept observing as how the Lycans were all closing their doors to rest and have dinner inside. The evening was turning darker.

"Do not fight with your mate. No matter what. He loves you when he still hasn't forced on you. It clearly means that he cares about your pain. He doesn't want you to suffer. Good going, Misty. Make your pain, his. Wrap him around your pinky finger."

I took the left turn, my eyes going straight downwards to the big black bricked houses. They had peaked terraces for snow. From far, their section of houses looked like a mini-castle.

I gulped.

"Obey them. But not blindly. I am mated to a common man. My mate and his mother get heavy on me. Majority wins. But you have more than two members in your family. Win your votes. Prepare your majority."

The chilling wind caressed my wet hair from under the hood. I kept walking to save my life.

"I sent clues. But you can send yourself out, Misty. That would be the biggest defeat of their history."

I blinked, walking carefully, realizing how the candle man had gone too.

"But they have been nice to me. The hospitality. Amelia cares. So does Karam. Others have been polite too, Chelsea."

She had laughed while slapping her hands against the water.

I shuddered as the cold wind hit my feet from under the hem of my skirt and cloak.

"Why won't they be nice to you? You are giving them the heir. This bubble of theirs will burst the day when the strong Lycan in your womb will snatch all your immunity to grow himself and kill you in the process."

My heart started beating faster as I neared the broad Street we lived in. Turning to right, I walked hurriedly. Kenny was playing outside with Costina and Larc.

I gulped when she stopped moving and looked at me.

Ignoring her narrowed gaze, I looked at the big door I had to open to hide from this Lycan world.

"Don't have sex for even by mistake, Misty. Your virginity is your biggest weapon here. For you can be closer to the red cloaks that way. No one among them has visited the temple. But you will. That's big. Stay virgin and learn about the so-called Goddess these Lycan deep inside them, hate."

I pushed open the door, entering inside and bolting it after me. Resting against the wood, I breathed hard while closing my eyes.

But slowly the sound of candle flames being lit reached my ears. I looked around the room.

Oh God! Amelia came and lit the candles.

She would scold me at the dinner.

Slowly pulling the thick ribbon from around my waist, I pulled down the hood and removed the cloak slowly. Walking around the large bed, I picked up the candle and opened the cupboard.

Misty II Όπου ζουν οι ιστορίες. Ανακάλυψε τώρα