[47] The Southerners Have Arrived-II

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There was time-ticking bomb inside my chest waiting to burst from the thrill.

Ten steps away, hiding behind the wooden sticks rested against a tent wall, Keira was giving me a nod of comfort.

We hadn't even run twenty steps away from Lysar's tent when a group of drunken males came outside from a different tent to goof around with three female dancers.

Keira hurriedly pushed me towards the right and signed for me to hide behind the sticks just like she hid herself behind the other tent.

Almost fifteen minutes must have passed but the males were not moving away from the front of that big tent. If any of us would move, they'd definitely feel weird.

The way the dancers were suggesting them to get inside because of the rains drops while dancing to their tunes and jokes, made me guess if the mystics were into this plan too.

Well, of course, they must be. After all, Keira and Eva entered the territory by making use of this tradition of the mystics. It was obvious that the dancers were with us too.

The thunder ran across the sky loud.

The rain drops were faint for now, not enough to drench us.

But it definitely looked like a storm was coming.

Because the Moon was not visible anywhere. The dark sky had turned grey with dark greyish clouds. The wind was getting stronger too.

"I haven't fucked under the rain yet. Must we change that tonight," said one of the male, making me gag.

I looked at the shadows that were visible because of the lanterns lit inside their tent.

"I am afraid, your Goddess Severa is not happy tonight." One of the dancers said in an attractive yet clever tone.

The males laughed and hooted out loud. "Of course, she is not. She is just an old, alone, virgin spirit, jealous of her own brothers' descendants."

The fake giggles of females followed as the males might have started taking them inside the tents.

I glanced at Keira who was already nodding her head towards the right. I checked both left and right, and ran towards her. We both grabbed the hands and ran towards the jungle that was on the far left of Amelia's house. That big group of dense trees where Karam had never let me go to.

So many times, I tried to go there but anyone would appear all of a sudden and distract me. Just like the night of the party when Karam told me about Keev.

But before we could run towards that area, we had to cross these tents without being seen.

"Come on," Keira said while glancing at the back.

We kept running in the dark and the growls that came from inside the different tents had scarred me for life. These males and females were wild.

"Hide!" Keira hissed while encouraging me to hide behind a tent. She herself hid behind a barrel of wine placed in the back of another one.

I did as she told but fearfully.

Because this time, I heard Beta Barald's voice.

"Wrap the leathers around!" He ordered at the male whoever was assisting him.

The voice sounded familiar when this male replied, "What about the quilts? They will get wet any way because of the grass and mud!"

"Do you think these desperate fools would care?" The Beta replied with a growl. "Hurry! My mate isn't good with storms."

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