[62] In His Eyes

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Bless Gran for teaching me to be patient.

Because neither this forest wasn't ending, nor he was talking.

From last fifteen minutes, I had been nervous, anxious and overthinking.

While he was chill and humming the tunes of the songs only he knew.

I was fidgeting, taking small steps and taking deep breaths. He was breaking a twig, hitting it on the every hanging branch on his way and running fingers through his hair.

Don't say it. Don't say it!

"Have you lost your memory?" I asked in between the breaths I was taking from the continuous walking.

He, not really affected by my sudden question, only got amused. As if he was expecting it, the answer was ready.

"No, I remember you rejecting my sincere love in front of our families."

I stopped in my tracks and looked at his back.

Two steps ahead of me, he halted too and tilted his head in thought. Turning around slowly, he took his time while I curled my fists and clenched my jaws.

"I remember you owning my son and then, abandoning him." He said while finally turning around and looking straight at me.

My eyebrows raised and straightened when he continued, "I remember you raising my hopes, deepening my love for you and then, breaking my heart into thousand pieces."

"So, I am the only one at fault here?" I asked, feeling my blood boiling through my veins and heart flipping inside. But he was looking at me as if I had cheated on him.

"I didn't say that." He gave me the dead eye.

My jaw zigzagged in utter annoyance. All those feelings I was feeling in his absence just got replaced by extreme frustration that had risen to the surface.

"You didn't remember telling me about my heat on time," I said, making his jaw tick.

He had no answer. Did he? He stayed quiet and looked pissed.

"You didn't remember telling me about being careful at the temple. About being aware of Severa's ghost and Rosetta's bitterness after you chased one of them for years and neglected the other." My voice raised with every next word.

He stiffened while I let out a small huff.

"You didn't tell me that you recognised my sisters even before I could, let me get lured into running away which I was dying to do, proceeding to mark me and later, blaming only me for it." I said out loud and clear, making him flare his nostrils.

Silence followed and he kept giving me a blank stare.

"You are sick," I choked out at feeling disappointed and hurt.

Turning around, I started walking towards the direction where we came from.

I hadn't even blinked and he stood in front of me, towering over me while breathing furiously.

"You are taking it all wrong," he said, looking down at me with disturbance visible all over his face. "Even after you know everything, my mate."










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