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"Imagine if this is what Pete did in the longing for his mate, what must have Misty's mate done?"

My body turned stiff at Stephen's words. Eyes burned like fire as tears slid down in extreme misery that I felt for at seeing my first born.

The night left the sky but left its footprints over my son's torso.

"I will keep it as simple as it should be," said Stephen, moving his eyes over everyone's face. "He tried to kill himself."

A sob crawled all its way from my chest to the mouth. Gilbert's hands reached for my forearms, squeezing them gently.

"Look at Nirvan's face, Malina. Look at Jackie, and the other pups whom he nearly attacked. Made them piss in their pants," said Stephen with disturbance spreading all over his face. Pushing his specs back, he shook his head. "He is no ordinary Alpha. His mate is no ordinary female. Stars are angry at the time being wasted. Thus, he is on his way to become Nathan and Willis."

Sniffling softly, I stared at the dark scars over Pete's bare torso. He had clawed himself in agony. The dark skin was healing the wounds underneath. Yet it all looked worrisome. Terrifying.

"No," I whispered blankly. "No. No. Don't say that."

"You know why he is restless," said Stephen, making me look around the room. Iago and Taria were standing at the foot of the bed. Nirvan was seated at the chair near the wall. His clawed cheeks scared me. "His wolf asks for one sniff of his mate, Malina."

"No one is going anywhere!" I said immediately. Looking in the old man's eyes, I shook my head. "I lost Misty. It's my fault that I couldn't save her. I shouldn't have let her stay here in the first place. I don't want the rest of my family to enter the same territory and never come back. There must be other ways to bring her back. But no other being will leave-"

"His mate is losing hope." Stephen said while giving us serious stares. "If we are here for Pete, we don't know if anyone is there for her on that territory. Troubled, she reached the borders on the previous full moon. Desperate, she did show up on the third night. The Lycan inside her and Pete's wolf are writhing, Malina. Let him go to execute this plan."

I shook my head while letting out a faint sob.

The doors burst opened and entered Thomas. Alyssa followed along with a worried Ivan, his dark circles totally standing out among the rest of the pale face.

"The pups pissed in pants," said Thomas through clenched jaws while looking at Pete's face. "He scared the shit out of them. All of them are numb. What is he? A demon or what?"

Alyssa gasped while I stared at him in blankness.

"Is this what an Alpha does, father? You were the one saying, Pete earns respect more than the fear. Now, would you repeat those words?" Thomas asked angrily while looking at us.

Iago gulped and exchanged a blank glance with Taria. Both of them walked out of the room. "I'll make tea," she said while closing the door after her.

"I'll check on Axel and other pups," said Iago from across the closed door.

Gilbert left my forearms, and walked towards the foot of the bed. Alyssa backed away after observing the narrowed eyes from the conflicted father.

"Will you become the Alpha?" He asked through gritted teeth while nearing Thomas.

Alyssa gulped hard while glancing at Pete in concern. Nirvan stared at the scene with full interest while Stephen only shook his head with a small smile on his face.

Thomas flared his nostrils, his eyes filling up in confliction.

"Will you?" Gilbert asked while looking him in eye. "I will make you the Alpha. Do you take the authority now?"

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