[58] Family Behind The Border

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That night when Karam had brought me here to this colony in the dark, I was too tired to observe the surroundings.

But today, I saw it all.

The streets had a different environment. Everyone looked busier with professionally done tasks rather than the daily house chores. Leather-making, Weapon, Vessel-making, making cloths, and all the stuff that Alpha Lycans weren't doing in this pack, was being done here by the foreign wolves.

Noira had an aura around her as she led me inside the streets, holding gazes with each males or females we would pass or stare at us in curiousity. They'd sniff and look at me up and down. Observing the wound on my neck, their gazes would immediately lower.

Unlike bricked floors of the street where Alpha brothers lived, these streets were muddy. Probably because the houses were smaller in size and the space wasn't enough to have cattles inside the plot. So, they were being kept outside and thus, the scent of dung was rich.

Since, it was afternoon, the pup were at the lake to bathe or play with their friends.

Maybe, that's why, Natasha was spending afternoons here.

I was going to her house uninvited, without asking or telling anyone. Last time, Uncle Joran and his sons weren't really interested or affected by knowing who I was. They were only curious. I was the affected one. I was the one who got disturbed.

This time, I didn't expect any kind of reaction from them too. They probably looked at me more as a Lycan bride rather than someone who could be called as a Rucussan or someone who loved his brother's family as much as he himself did.

"There, you see. That big wooden door. Natasha will smell your scent sooner as you get closer." Noira said while stopping in the middle and pointing at the one house that was standing out. Unlike other houses, there were no baskets or belongings kept outside near the main door. The entrance was clean. It seemed like his family practiced privacy as much as they could.

I looked at her in confusion. "You are leaving?"

"I have to look after Costina and some house chores." Noira smiled before palming my back affectionately. "Go."

I took the steps ahead and glanced back at her. Noira was stepping backwards too and nodded when I reached the door.

Before I could even knock, the door was opened by none other than Natasha's younger brother whose name I couldn't remember.

I glanced back at the street and Noira was gone.

"He did mark you then," said the boy with bright blue eyes, in his deep calm voice, looking a bit irritated by the fact.

I could do nothing about it. I didn't know how to react. Since the day I woke up after that adventurous night, I was only being recognised and talked about this mark only. I hated it.

He glanced at my neck before sighing and opening the door full for me to enter. "We didn't think, they'd let you come."

"I don't need anyone's permission," I mumbled and entered the verandah, looking straight at the two doors in the front. The words I had said lacked the weight of my confidence and I couldn't collect it at the moment.

The walls were of the same bricks. There were three pillars ahead of them to make a little shade ahead of the rooms.

"Misty?" Natasha came out from the left door with wide surprised eyes. Her mouth opened at observing me up and down. She came closer and observed the mark. "Is it hurting?"

"Not today," I said and my voice came out hoarse from the dried throat. "I came to see Uncle Joran."

She smiled a little and held my hand to pull me inside the room. She moved away from my view and let me take a look around the small cosy room. A bed was in the middle and Uncle Joran was sitting on the bed, resting his back against the pillows.

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