[18] The Mate Bond-III

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He had bolted the door from outside.

The window was shut too.

These walls, this cold floor, these curtains of the canopy, this large bed—all of them were laughing at me.

The afternoon had passed. The evening was darkening.

No one came even after me knocking the door thousand times.

I didn't even get the lunch, today.

Of course, his family would support him. How could I even expect from them?

Thankfully, the two sacks of apples and oranges were leaning against the table. I thought I would survive these hours of imprisonment with enough fruit to eat. But not even a single bite of the apple went down my throat when his words kept revolving around in my mind.

I wish it had been someone else.

My nostrils flared in anger as I sat beside the bed on the floor with bloodshot eyes.

You do not deserve these nice ways of mine anymore.

I wiped the cheeks while the fresh ones burned my eyes and heart.

I will not be called wimp anymore.

The walls of these rooms were eating up.

I felt like the lamb, now.

Except he was gone to the heavens in the noon while my horror would began in the night.

A sob broke out from me as the terror kept rising in veins where blood was freezing slowly. My arms, my feet. Everything felt pale and cold. There was no warmth in this room anymore.

Yes, I hurt him. Yes. I was being a brat. But it was not my fault that he had a full moon to suffer.

He couldn't just threaten to fuck me all the time.

I had a soul in me that was petrified of his hidden wrath. Of what he was capable of doing to me.

Prepare for the thunders and lightning I will give you tonight, my mate.

I sniffled hard.

He had said those words with such belief, such vengeance and anger.

There was no time left to find the answer for—Will he do it? Will he really do it?

Looking up at the ceiling, there was no fan.

I chuckled humorlessly while flaring my nostrils and wiping the tears.

The question was—If  I was prepared for what this night would bring to me.

I had been such a big disappointment to him as a mate and he had realized it now, very well. The demon inside him now wanted to dominate me, break me until I end up behaving like the ideal slave to him.

Rubbing my fingertips against my lips, I kept blinking through the wet eyes.

If only I had never asked for a family! I would have never come to live with mother! I would never had been here with this monster waiting to fuck me up!

Sniffling slowly, I covered my face and let out a shaky breathe.

I could very well get the vibe.

The death was approaching me. Because I knew I wouldn't be able to survive the trauma. The physical force in the first place.

I couldn't suffer that horror.

I was seated here on the floor, near his side of the bed, facing the door after spending an hour of looking for any kind of weapon in each corner of this room, the bathroom and the toilet. But there was not a single knife in this room. There was no extra belonging here except for a cupboard full of clothes, the trunk with my dress and Pete's jacket and a loose wooden comb with just four teeth, apart from the old mirror.

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