[41] A Slip

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The rise of the dawn brought the rise of a new conversation.

Until now, Kingston and I used to brush our teeth, standing at the back of our homes.

But today, the sudden wave from him as an invite for me to join at the back of Robin's house was something else.

Taking a teaspoon of ash in our left palms, we began the routine.

"Amelia wouldn't talk to anyone." That was his first word before putting the ash in his mouth and start rubbing it.

I could only blink in wonder. Spitting out a little, emptying my mouth, I shrugged my shoulders. "It just had to happen. As Karam's family, we all are supposed to compromise for him."

"Did you do it, with heart?" He asked after spitting his first round and gargling loudly.

I moved my tongue around for any extra powder stuck anywhere in my mouth. "I didn't do it as his mate or anything. I just did what any good human being would do in my place."

He scoffed humorously and continued using the ash. I began my second round of rubbing the molars at the back of the jaws.

Spitting again, he gargled and let out a splash across half the field in front of us. Nodding at his amazing performance in satisfaction, he breathed in content.

"That is what the question is, little sister-in-law."

My eyebrows raised slightly at the name. His tone was engaging and firm with the new day's energy.

"If Amelia fights you, she cares for you. She doesn't want you to witness the heartbreak at seeing Karam's love for his pup growing more and more by years. It only ends bad."

I blinked while spitting it all out. Gargling hurriedly, I tried to catch some breaths and was satisfied that now my morning breath was gone. My mouth was clean.

"Why would my heart break at seeing a child growing in front of my eyes?" I asked in confusion. "And if this how she cares, then forgive me, Mr. Alpha. I don't need her care."

He nodded in amusement while moving his gaze around the belt of trees like a hawk.

"By the way, if she fights me because she cares. What does she do to the beings she doesn't care about?"

"She kills them."

I couldn't blink because Kingston's calm and steady voice held the vibe of extreme truth. Though, he was cheeky about it. 

I gulped slightly while shifting on the rock I was sitting on. Sipping the water from my bowl, I did some flossing and spat the water far away.

"That was a progress." He commented at the distance.

I nodded absentmindedly.

A moment of silence passed when the big brother was doing the last of his flossing and gargling. My gaze wandered towards the belt of trees, wondering how many kilometres away was the pack.

The night of the ceremony, I had fainted. I didn't know how far Karam had brought me.

"Is temple safe for the females?" The sudden question came in his rough voice. Kingston put his bowl away after washing his hands and wiping his mouth.

The sky was turning the lighter shade of blue slowly. The green of the trees was lightning up too. The grassy ground in front of was soon to catch its much awaited sunlight. While the mountains peaks were all hidden behind the fog for now.

The question had caught me off guard.

I hadn't thought about narrating my experience to someone else other than Chelsea. Not even Karam. I was sure how much I had to hide from him. But this was Kingston. The Alpha.

Misty II Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang