[23] Open The Heart

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The music started playing.

Bagpipers and drummers, all of them were swaying along with the melodies they made. The Lycan males danced along with their mates.

While I was sitting at the same spot, looking around absentmindedly. Nysa and Alvena were drinking wine and laughing at the dancing freaks. While Natasha was looking after the pups back in the houses.

King and Amelia were seated on their chairs as usual. Robin, Anton, Lysar—all the brothers were dancing in the middle around the bonfire along with Scott, the Beta's son. Adam, Oskar and Karam were sitting away on the porch of a closed shop, on the stairs. They were talking and drinking.

While Salome was sitting beside the drummer, enjoying the beats.

Two males pulled up the females on their knees and twirled them around, creating giggles from everyone. Lysar had caught a woman that must be twice his age and was grinding her ass against his. I wondered how could he be so open in front of all his elders. Maybe, they were just all so frank.

But what about his mate. Would she like these things after he'd find her?

The flowery crown felt heavy today. I just wanted to rip it into shreds and run far away in peace.

The cankling of metals reached my ears and I saw Amelia walking towards me with a horn in her hand, with a goofy smirk on her face. Her round dangling earrings made melodies as she sat beside on the porch of a house whose owners, a common Lycan couple was dancing at the moment.

"You didn't eat properly, tonight." She said, looking at the front. Sipping on her wine, she released a breath. "Karam didn't eat a mere chunk."

"You know very well, sister." I said through clenched jaws, watching as Robin moved along the beats. He wasn't as flat as they called him. I was sure, my ass was more flat than his.

"I saved you both from a series of fights." She said, glancing at me. "He wasn't ready to explain. You weren't ready to listen. He wouldn't have been able to defend himself. You don't have a control on your mouth. You both would have lost your minds. Give him time, he has been having a hard time himself."

"Why don't you tell me if you know it?" I asked, looking at her hopefully.

Amelia cupped my cheek, smiling slowly. Her kohl eyes looked amazing. "I don't want Karam to tell you about it," she said, removing her hand off my cheek and breathing heavily. "I don't want you to know unnecessary things."

"But he will tell you, on his own." She said, looking at the front. "For he has to face Lucine soon. She won't be happy if she gets to know, he is still hiding it. I want you to trust him. He is not a bad male, Foxy."

I blinked, lowering my eyes and looking back at the front. My heart jolted in sudden excitement as Anton had pulled Karam and Oskar in the middle. The females surrounded them, making my jaws clench.

Karam and Oskar exchanged a smile, both wearing high buns on the top of their head. The tune changed to a fast one and they began. Tapping boots against the wooden stage, they circled elbow in elbow, laughing together. Lysar did the same with Anton while Robin and Scott followed too.

They made a circle around the bonfire, hooting and clapping together. The women caught each male as their partner.

My eyebrows raised when one got closer to Karam. They exchanged a smile while my nostrils flared. He offered his hand and she grabbed it. Twirling her hand as the first drum was beaten, they all started doing steps around the bonfire.

Alvena smiled when Anton walked towards her to grab her hand. He pulled her to the bonfire and they both danced to the beats. Nysa shook her head, waving off when Robin ran for her. She squealed when he instead carried her on his shoulder and brought her to the fire. Putting her down, she laughed when he danced while taking her hand.

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