[24] The Truth-I

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"I am a father too, my mate."

I blinked while his words echoed deep inside my ears. My mind. My heart.

My soul curled at seeing the guilt shining in his eyes. The proof that he had done something he knew was wrong.

Stumbling back, I gasped hard.

He took a step ahead worriedly, but the blankness in my eyes had stopped him.

I blinked, controlling my trembling lips and turned towards the right.

"Misty!" Nysa called out.

I breathed harshly while walking past his family members, my steps trembling.


A sob broke out from me when the physical pain in my heart jolted with such force. The embarrassment awakened too when my wet thighs rubbed against each other.

"Misty!" The voices came in unison.

But I couldn't listen to them. All I could hear was the word 'father'.

More sobs escaped me as I kept putting each step out on the ground, wanting for it to burst open and pull me inside. I was done with this world and its sinful people.

I felt destroyed.

Why? I didn't even love him. Neither were we friends, nor lovers.

Yet why it was hurting so much.

Maybe, because again, nothing would ever be perfect in my life.

Receiving perfect parenting, family, dreams, and not a perfect mate.

Of course, I had to suffer. It was my exclusive right. My dumb fate. With what hope, I ended up showering all those kisses. All that reciprocation for what, only to get punched on the heart in the end.

Why me, God? Why me?


The voices kept coming while I continued walking. Wiping my eyes with the sleeves of my dress, I scurried away from the wicked family of the Royal Lycans.

Reaching the door, I opened it hurriedly and let out a loud sob. Sniffling hard, I limped towards the bathroom, feeling my chest tightening and tightening until I couldn't breathe.

Loud footsteps occurred while I stood beside the bathtub, covering my face with my hands.

"Misty," Nysa's voice came worried and sharp. "Oh," she whispered while entering the bathroom and standing one step behind me.

"Misty, may I remove that corset and crown?" She asked, while squeezing my shoulder.

I nodded shakily and let out another sob.

"Please don't cry, sweetheart. You don't know whole thing yet. You must not hurt yourself so much by mourning. Give him the chance to explain," she pleaded while pulling the strings and loosening up the corset.

"And don't worry about that Anton. Amelia wouldn't let it go. He is an arrogant swine," she said while taking out the corset. Her hands reached for my hair while I stared at the lantern in the corner blankly. "He needs the beating and he is just asking for it."

"You must clean yourself first and then, you must welcome the details before making any assumptions." She said, her voice cracking at seeing my face. "Please, Misty. Don't be so sad."

I sniffled hard while looking at her. "You all forced me to do those rituals with him, despite knowing. . ." My words were gone as I cupped my mouth and cried hard.

Misty II Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz