[52] Wait-II

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It feels cold here.

The Western fields of territory.

As I look around the vast ground full of wooden polls at the heads of the graves, the heavy wind chills my spines.

Amelia cries the loudest.

They are burying her second pup. A female. A still-born.

I have never seen a Lycan's corpse before. Maybe, I have.

The glimpses of red cloak appears in my mind in this same place. Mother told me that she had brought me here before one time. I was an infant.

But I wouldn't have felt the remorse then than I am feeling now.

Brother King is devastated. He doesn't cry. He holds his mate and puts the sand back on the corpse wrapped in white in the grave.

The whole pack is here offer solidarity. Amelia's parents are in the crowd. Her young brothers of Tara's age are too young to understand.

Lysar's drool wets my neck. I put him on another arm for left shoulder to get wet now.

Brother Robin holds Nysa close to him standing behind our parents. Nysa's hands are on her belly. It is growing from past month. I hear heartbeats.

Twin sisters are weeping softly. Tara was standing just beside them.

My heart jumps in worry. I look around immediately and my heart calms down.

She is bugging Oskar to let her hold little Noira. Salome picks her up in his arms and puts finger on his lips. She turns quiet obediently.

Anton is standing beside his father who is holding a sleepy Alma. He watches new things quietly. It is Adam who bites Aunt Rose's ear. She is holding him in her arms. I hold a snicker. She looks funny when she is pissed at her own pups.

Mother walks ahead and takes the fistful of hand. The soil slips from her fist as she closes her eyes and chants prayers.

Everyone closes their eyes. I do too.

"May she reaches the Moon and find peace." Mother says.

Her voice is shaky. But she is loud.

She stares down at the grave with blank eyes. Her tears have dried. Her face that was red before has turned pale again. Her hair slips from her braids.

The wind is turning aggressive. The sky was already grey. The brown leaves fly around on the dark ground.

I feel strange.

As if someone is whispering in my ear. But it is the wind.

"Miggy?" Sister Lucine calls out. The wind blows her hair hard.

Sister Miggy raises her hand towards the mist ahead of the first row of the graves. Behind the Mist is a vast jungle that touches the border.

"He. . ." She breathes out. Her amber eyes are curious and wide.

She sniffs. Everyone sniffs. I do too. But we don't smell anyone.

She does and steps ahead. Her eyes are looking far beyond the mist.

"He is waiting for me. . ." She whispers and take another step.

My eyes move to look at father. He is upset. Furious.

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