[38] The New Mother

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Silence hung in the air dominated by the deep breaths of Karam.

His wide eyes didn't move off the little replica of his while his feet moved backward in shock.

His face shook slowly as he glanced up at me in blankness. He couldn't make out why I brought his son down here to him.

"What's wrong, brother?" Alma asked, her voice sounding humorous. I blinked while he gave me a shocked and insecure look.

"We know you can dance better than that," Noira teased with a smirk.

My eyebrows straightened when his eyes filled up instantly and he looked around to observe the faces of the Severans. Noira, Alma, Reveka, Emily, Maya — all nodded their heads at him and smiled.

Karam looked back at me with so many questions in his eyes. I blinked slowly to answer them all.

He let out a shaky whimper and fell on his knees. I bent down to put the baby down who was now staring at the big hairy man in curiosity.

"Keev," he whimpered out while forwarding his arms towards his son.

My lips parted at the name while for the first time in my life, I saw Karam looking innocent and vulnerable. No, not vulnerable. Maybe, yes. He was overwhelmed, I could observe very well.

He pulled the baby towards him before those shaky baby steps could make himself fall any minute on the unpolished clean ground full of dry leaves and sharp rocks.

The shape of his triceps bulged out from the sleeves of the cream shirt as those big muscular arms wrapped around the tiny body.

The girls awed and sighed at the scene while my heart was squeezing and swelling like a balloon ready to burst at any moment.

Kisses were peppered all over his son's face and little chubby hands, Karam smiled through the glossy eyes at his son.

"You're here, " whispered my mate while chuckling at touching the soft silky hair just like his. "Soft as a feather, my little Lycan."

I blinked while staring at the scene as moments of him adoring and whispering sweet things to his son passed slowly. The child was too little to understand his father's continuous pecks and caresses. Irritated, he curled his red puffy lips and pushed his little fists against Karam's face.

Emily and Alma let out giggles while I gulped slowly.

"Uncle, stop it. Your hair has irritated him too." Emily said while chuckling softly. She walked close to them and bent down. Karam pulled away slowly and stared at his son's face warmly.  He let Emily carry the little one in his arms as the baby was hating to even get closer to the beard. Those little fists were pushing the face every time Karam would try to come close to tease.

He chuckled and smiled to himself, watching his son being carried away by Emily. The girls turned around and followed her ahead while Karam stood up straight to now look at me.

Our eyes met and the intense gaze of a mix of adoration and wonder made me freaking conscious. I looked away and started following the girls.

I could hear him stepping ahead to come closer to me even before I could join the whole clan going ahead. The immediate calling of his name from two girls, one of them being Stella asked for help to clear the pathways.

I didn't look at him. I couldn't. I felt too shy. Without wasting even a second, he ran ahead of me towards the girls at the front.

"What is it?" I asked one of the Severans walking at the last of the group. They were all of Noira's age, elder than me.

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