[5] The Pledge

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It wasn't a punishment but the very first ritual.

They made a fool of me.

All because I was a mate of some stupid lovesick Lycan.

This pain on my nose, this headache, this jolts of shock in my heart, this shake of my legs in weakness, this lost voice of mine because of their continuous intimidation—I would be avenging this all.

Each tear. Each sob. Each sniffle. Each wail. Each cry. Each throbbing of pain.

I'd avenge this all.

My soul was getting weaker. Shrinking like it was dying. No guardian angel. No God. No family. No life.

Only this revenge would grow my soul.

I might get killed in the process. But my soul would be astonished.

If my grave was meant to be on this land, then let it be. But I'd make sure, they remember me as the most vile creature they'd ever seen.

A human.

Would be written on my tombstone in bold italics.

I would begin the vengeance with this so-called mate of mine.

"Stop staring at the corner, Misty. This is a phase of two days. You'll get tired of pretending to be some assassin ready to avenge some history riot," said Nysa, letting out brief humorless chuckle.

Pete, my brother. The man I looked up to. Brought me forcefully to his world of Werewolves. Threw me to this world of Lycans.

Nirvan, the wolf who was following his Alpha's orders. Could he be blamed? Choosing between doing right or kindness, kindness wins. He chose the other option. He was to be blamed. Only if I knew, watching him shoot an arrow was not a favour to me, but the foreshadowing of him shooting me across the border.

Natalie. The little sister. The little bitch. She knew it all. From the full moon night, I tried to save her. Only if I knew that she was trapping me more into this game more than saving herself. She could have saved me from that night only. And she didn't.

Thomas took those whiplashes for me, not for Natalie. Leo was attacked by Pete, making Eva hate him as much as I hated him now. Keira, because of her I survived the days there. Not even a hug from her was written in my destiny. I wondered if she had came out of the heat or not. How would Ivan react at the news of me being the goat of this year? Would Fred and Jiro remember me? I hoped, Aunt Kate and her new one were fine. Uncle Robert fought for me. I missed them. Truly.

Gilbert. All of a sudden in the whole eighteen years, he managed to get me mixed in his world right when I was entering the breeding age. He helped me in the last moments. Nearly fought a war. But he won't try to bring me back. Would he? Trained she-wolves didn't return. How would I? Or maybe, this whole game of two months was just a facade to lure me on to the territory of Rucussa to let the Lycans know I was here. He wanted me to not exist in the first place. He wanted me out of his life. Maybe, all of that last minute empathy was a facade. An act to melt me and Mom. Killed two birds with one stone. He didn't throw me here, but because of his freaking order, I was here. It all began from his order. From blackmailing me to stay there until the Ceremony. The fucking Mating Ceremony.

"Ah! What? You are getting into some depression? Mourning for what? A piercing?" Nysa spoke, sighing heavily. "Look at yourself in the mirror there. You look more beautiful. Like the new bride. Just what the Goddess will like you to be tonight. Get up from there before Amelia arrives. You do not want her forcing you to bathe too."

Sitting on the floor, resting elbows against my raised bruised knees, I kept staring at the dark corner of the wall.

Mom. The birth-giver. The creator. The very origin of mine. I didn't even know what to feel for her. What she would be feeling for me? Would she still be mourning for my absence? For how I was thrown? Her injuries were real. Her fight was real. She shifted into her beast and fought for me. For her child. My mother.

Misty II حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن