[10] The Submission

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The first bite brought out a faint moan from me.

The apples were not even fitting full in my hands. Fresh, juicy, yellowish pulp and beautiful red.

The sweet taste trailed down inside my throat, reaching my stomach. I chewed the fruit in pleasure hurriedly while savouring the taste.

Passing me the plate across the little round table, he gave me an amused look.

I slowed down and put the left over piece in the plate. Grabbing the one from washed apples on the plate, I took a big bite, making him sigh in relief while looking at me.

He looked too big for this table, to settle on that chair and sit in front of me.

I ate hurriedly, realizing how much I was craving for some freshness. My eyes wandered towards the wall where the sack full of those apples and oranges was placed by him few minutes ago.

When he had left almost an hour ago, I had decided to wash my mouth with so-called ash and I miserably failed to do so. The ash was stuck in half of my jaws and in between my teeth even after gargling and flossing thousand times. I had been drinking the non-veg soup all this time and it did affect my feelings. I felt conflicted. I didn't know if I should be angry on the women or be thankful that they at least gave me something to eat.

My eyes fell on the other big sack that he showed me was filled with vegetables. He called out Emily and gave her the ones I choose. Broccoli and onions for a start. She left after Karam made me tell her how must it be made. The sack had spinach, carrots and cauliflowers too.

"Could you stop staring at me?" I mumbled while lowering my eyes and burping silently. I might have ate six to seven apples without realizing it.

But he was creeping me out.

Silence followed while my heart started beating in alert.

"Why? My mate is beautiful. I will keep staring at her."

I blinked and looked at him chewing slowly. His heated gaze would always hold me in some cage. I would feel conscious to even look back at him. But now, I was partly scared to object and partly angry that I might really object.

I couldn't afford another slip of tongue.

I had to be careful with the words.

Since when did I get so scared and tight in mind? I was not myself, these days.

All because of him.

"It is rude to stare at someone in my world," I mumbled awkwardly, because I was low-key scared if he would react negatively.

"Well, it is the way we show love here, in our world."

Looking at him, I observed his face going straight as if he was trying to understand me. His eyes were so damn calculative all the time.

"Of course, it's all about your world." I said, clenching my jaws. Staring blankly at the table, I added, "You don't give a fuck to what I have learned all of my life; what I follow. I didn't spent those years in my world for nothing. Right?"

His eyebrows straightened and eyes squinted in thought. "I like looking at my mate. My gaze won't burn her down. Would it?" he mumbled while leaning ahead on the table, pushing the plates aside. The hair on my neck risen when his face came closer to mine, just few inches left in between. "Or does it make her nervous?"

I gulped slowly, a sudden shiver going through my heart. Looking up in his flaming eyes, the pupils dilated. He sniffed slowly.

"It makes her sad," I murmured softly, making his smirk fade.

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