[44] Dancing Mystics-I

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The night was still young.

Slowly as secretive gaze moved around the groups of people roaming and having fun in this bonfire party, I could see that the madness had just began.

With what I'd heard from the ladies, Amelia didn't want the dancers to come. It was Kingston who didn't want to spoil the chain of traditions and fun.

A part of my heart respected her for these practical thoughts. She was dominant at taking decisions which were right in her opinions, even if they wouldn't align with everyone's well being. She didn't want another case of an illegitimate pup getting born again, for the welfare of future mates. Yet, she didn't have the heart to accept Keev wholeheartedly.

"Time would work its charms and will heal the sour hearts, Misty."

Those words were carefully said by Salome, the only person among these Lycan brothers with a sane mind. He was the only one in this Lycan family who wouldn't hesitate to keep that kind smile on his face all the time.

"I hope so," I mumbled while smiling tightly.

We were all seated around a rectangle table full of food and wine. There were mostly couples who were the family members and friends.

While Nysa and Robin were on the other corner, busy in having round of laughter with their friends. Alvena was sitting on my right having a little chit-chat with a common Lycan female friend.

I was having normal conversation with the couple, Natasha and Salome, seated in front of me, about the family and functions. When in between they talked about Keev's existence and Amelia's response to it.

"Karam didn't have to choose a middle path because you created one for yourself. This is what we value as a family. We are grateful," said Salome while Natasha nodded with a smile. She put her head on his shoulder fondly, making him giver her a husband smile in return.

I blinked and observed the area around me. The medieval clothing, candles, the thick wood, the howls and hooting, the kohl in those mischievous eyes, the pointed ears, the proud canines—— it had sunk inside my mind so well, I couldn't doubt the reality anymore.

The thought of waking up from a crazy dream like this had no ground in my practical thoughts now. When I knew so well, that everything around was true and real than any other thing in the universe.

Even if some crazy miracle happens and a rewind button appears, I was sure I would be too scared and doubtful to believe it. Because the more I was mingling with the Lycans and their world, the more I was going far away from my dear old human world.

A sudden warm breath fanned against my neck, followed by a kiss on my cheek. Karam's big hand roamed over my waist, lingering there for longer, making me feel weak in the heart.

My shy gaze managed to meet his as his face appeared from the right, giving me a faint smile. "This is what you can drink," he said while putting a vintage glass on the table.

The crystal red liquid inside made me glance back at him. He nodded confidently with a small smirk. "This is the lightest one. You need that after the soup," he said that slowly and lowly, his gaze flickering for no one else to hear it.

My doubtful eyes moved over the glass of wine. I was surely wanting something to drink after the cold had started to bother me. I had a whole task to do and be awake until I could complete it.

My little chirpy wish was fulfilled by Karam who looked grateful that now we weren't fighting.

For an unknown reason, I was grateful too.

Misty II Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang